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And will we ever

End up together?

No I think not

It's never to become

For I am not the one.....

-( Pennywise P.O.V)-
I was growing even more enraged when Ava just sat there I stood over her unamused I was growing bored I needed entertainment. I figured she was scared I was even generous enough to create some distance between us by sitting down so she wouldn't feel so frightened honestly, the nerve of that girl. I was expecting her to run away so I can chase her down that would've been more than enough to spark fear into her heart but Ava stood there thinking.. I start growling at her hoping she'd get freaked out and take off but there she was my beautiful babydoll.~ I couldn't take my eyes off her when she began to sing she was so effortlessly beautiful the wind made her ginger hair flow like a goddess her skin was pale like mine she was so small if I wanted to I could snap her like a twig but I could never bring myself to damage something so precious. These feelings are something I have no use for  I'm a demon what use would I have for her ? My kind doesn't share emotions like mortals do, we only tolerate each other when mating season approaches and even then I try to avoid that at any cost but with her I find myself so drawn to her It's disgusting. I gag at the thought of Ava and I being together, I mean me with some mortal? I start laughing hysterically when the song came to an end the last sentence took to me.

It's never to become

For I am not the one ~

What does she mean by that? She can't be talking about us? About me, could she?

" Dollface?" I have to ask her if that last verse was about us.

She opens her eyes slowly and hesitates at first " Y- Yes Pennywise?"

I signal her to come over and sit on my lap for some reason I try to touch her as much as I can. She makes her way over to me and sits on my lap.

" That song you just sung...where did you hear it from?" I questioned.
" Well, I came up with it on the spot. Did you enjoy it?" she responds.
I nodded. She sung for me because she knew I'd enjoy it I want to take her in the sewers with me I want her to sing for me again and have the sewer pipes be filled with her lovely voice.

~(Ava's P.O.V)~

Well...looks like I'm on Pennywise's lap again. I can't believe he really liked the song I thought for sure he'd hate it I was going to sing an old carnival song but nothing popped into mind at the time. I feel Pennywise's hands wrap around my waist I jumped a little  and let out a sharp gasp I hear heavy breathing on the right side of my ear

" P- Penny?" His breath was hot and there was no way of fighting him off me. I had to endure it I start moving about little by little I try to pull back his fingers off my hips but it only made him sink them into my hips even more, feeling his long tongue licking away at my neck he wasn't saying anything his tongue started to lick all throughout my body licking my ear then my neck was enough to drive me crazy. His hands went further up my body Pennywise's hands cupped my boobs he squeezed them I let out a small moan my hips were moving on there own I didn't feel anything does Pennywise even have a penis? He isn't human does he even know how to have sex?

" No no no no no no..." Pennywise kept saying no he pushes me off his lap I fell face first onto the floor. " Goddamn it! Pennywise!" I yelled

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