🎈Deadly Attraction🎈

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I WILL REVISE THIS LATER! I will be revising everything later today! Give me some time please.

A new day a new pain. I woke up with the twins on my mind I don't have the slightest idea on how to find them I prepare for yet another day I smelled fresh vomit coming from downstairs which was something I was NOT in any rush to see. I knew Donna and Dylan were gonna wake up like cranky zombies I fix up my daily Donna recipe for hangovers I pour a glass of milk and mix it with 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract next I crushed up the aspirin and took a spoon and mixed it all together. "Donna!" I shouted I quickly cover my mouth my dumbass almost forgot she has a hangover I walk over to the living room with the milk in my hang " Donna~ where are you?~" I scanned the room for her but found nothing hmph. Where could she be? I heard humming from the coat closet a familiar tone " Donna? Big sister are you there?" Yuck! I can't believe that managed to slip through my lips " yes...sissy's here, honey." She's in 13 year old Donna's world she all hunched up in the closet I gently pull her hair back with one hand and slowly pour the milk into her mouth in the other " yummy!" Donna licks her lips and nods back out which was typical hangover Donna I placed a blanket over her and put a pillow underneath her head.

There were no signs of Dylan and I did NOT want to find out where he was so I dashed out the house and speed walked to town. I was so excited for some odd reason Derry was old fashioned at times it was creepy like all towns Derry had secrets and the greatest secret of all was Pennywise, I don't know what he was some sort of creature of the night I thought of last night when I kissed him his lips were so soft and plump he was surprisingly warm I touched my lips if only I could have a little bit more.         " Hey Ava!" I look up to see Nonny in front of me " Hey long time no see! The twins won't ever shut there mouth about you." I let out a chuckle " well, I am one badass chick" I show off some of my muscles Nonny laughs right  along with me He decides to show me around the town to his favorite hiding spots " I come here to think from time to time when the girls are at school and my moms out working." The area was in the forest the sunlight was beaming   we were roaming the forest for a while before resting on two giant-antic rocks thank god we did because I was getting tired.  " If you come here most of the time what do you do all day? Don't you have school?"

Nonny stares off into the distance all dramatic like I felt as if I shouldn't have said anything so I didn't dare say another word we just sat on top of the rocks quietly. Nonny finally broke the silence " I don't go to school anymore. I mostly just roam the town I live with my dad but we don't get along. It's like clockwork in my house when my dad comes home I leave I can't stand to be in the same space as him that's why I come here. To just relax and think." Nonny looked down and started to play with my shoelaces " You must think I'm dumb, huh? Because I don't go to school..." I pick up his head " I don't think you're dumb, Nonny in fact I think you're really...sweet." He grins " Well thanks Ava. I never really told anyone this before I never really had a friend before either." It felt nice having a..."friend" I never had anyone I could hit it off with right from the jump I kinda hard to be around I never let anyone in. I start to think about my childhood I didn't even notice Nonny testing his head on my shoulder " Hey Ava, it's getting late let me walk you home." That was enough to break my train of thought Nonny gets up my legs we still tired so he gave me his hand and helped pull me up we started walking back into town hand and hand not letting go. It was as if the closer we got into town the tighter he held my hand I didn't mind it though Nonny and I are similar two teens with terrible backgrounds with tongue skin on the outside with tender hearts on the insides " Nonny this is my block." still holding hands Nonny tells me goodbye but it was obvious he wanted me to stay I knew he didn't want to go home to his father and a part of me didn't want him to go either " Can I see you tomorrow, Ava?" I nodded my cheeks were bright red Nonny smiled and ran off " See ya Tomorrow!" He yelled. I watch as he runs out of my site the front door opens " Little shit." And there she was my beautiful sloppy drunk sister with an empty bottle of vodka in her hand " what took you so long to get home..." I walk in slowly and push past her I can't handle it when she this drunk she becomes violent and noisy. " Hey! You don't hear me talking to you , lil bitch!" Donna was directly behind me I rush to the basement so nobody would be able to hear her " what... You scared of me?" This was the first time I was ever in the basement since we moved in it was so old and there we spider webs everywhere Donna tried coming down the  stairs and trips in the process which caused her to fall having the glass bottle being shattered "UGH! MY FUCKING HAND!" Donna shouts in pain some shattered glass managed to penetrate into her pawn of her hands I wish it could've been me. I walk over to Donna looking at her wounded bloody hand " Come let's go upstairs I'll rinse the blood off it'll take me a while to pick the glas-" -SMACK- Donna smacks me with the glass inside her hand " THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She gets up all wobbly and slowly walking up the steps she barely made it. " stunned I was sat there and watch a few droplets leave my face and land on my open hands  I was more aroused than hurt I started licking the blood off my hands. I heard a shift in movement right behind me coming from the darkest corner of the basement. " Mhmm....Something smiles good~" a voice I remember a little too well disturbed my pleasureful evening I look over my shoulder and there he was standing over me " Hey! Remember me?~" Pennywise smiled with glee. Blood still dripping off the side of my face he squats down and wipes the blood off of my face and lips it  " You taste so good, Dollface~"

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