🎈Mating Season🎈

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<This chapter contains mature content>

I woke up to a familiar shouting was that, Donna? I wipe the crust off my eyes to see what the yelling was all about turns out Dylan and Donna had another fight typical. Nonny took notice of me being up now and lowered me onto the ground " thanks Nonny. Get home safe!" I give him a light punch on the shoulder " See ya around, kiddo!" Nonny smiled as he watched me enter my house. I open the door to the place being an entire wreck! Glasses broken  food splattered everywhere it didn't faze me though, since Donna is like a moth to a lightbulb when it comes to Dylan she could be great without him but when there together Donna just can't seem to shake him and it's not like she ever tries to.

I start walking upstairs towards my room when the yelling between the two grew louder and louder. Dylan must've cheated on Donna for her to be this livid I mean Donna had a good set of pipes she could yell all night if she wanted to I really wanted to shut my door but instead I chose to leave it cracked in case Donna starts to get violent and tries to stab Dylan, which she had made quite a few attempts to do so. I leave my door cracked just in case she needs help hiding the body lol. I start laughing
" Aw man, you're funny Ava." My amusement surely ended when I heard humming coming from my bathroom I already sensed the temperature getting colder in my room my breath also changed for some reason. It isn't like I'm scared of Pennywise or anything but his presence today brought a chill to my spine the peaceful silent that was once in my room left, instead I was nervous " Goodness me, Ava. Aren't you gonna come greet me?" Pennywise voice sounded playful but something told me to stay clear away from him something about today just wasn't right. I barely approach my bathroom I could hear his deep breathing from behind the door.
" Well~ aren't you gonna open it?" says cheerful Pennywise but the vibes radiating from the doorway what is up with him today?


I open the door Pennywise was sitting on top the toilet sit with a huge smile on his face he actually looked happy but I near his source of happiness was only driven to other people's pain. The silence was killing me but not as much as Pennywise practically fucking me with his eyes I followed Pennywise's eyes while they traced the curves of my body, was Pennywise checking me out? I didn't know what to do so I stood there quietly AND awkwardly what is he even doing? " You look good dollface." He licks his lips " Ya know...Babydoll it's mating season for my kind." I started breaking out into a cold sweat mating season? What's he telling me for? His kind? What does a female of his "kind" even look like? I stood there confused so I lean against the door
" So.... does that mean you're going bye-bye?" No wonder the atmosphere was different Pennywise is leaving to go find a mate, my heart ached at the thought of Pennywise with someone else or something else. Pennywise's face looked puzzled

" Bye-bye?" He laughs " You're so cute! I'm not going anywhere, haha! In fact You'll be seeing me a lot more now."

He stood up and towers over me like usual his deep blue eyes starring down at me I put my head down to break away from the intensity. Why would he stay if it's mating season? Well... he did say that he tries to avoid it at all cost " Wait, Pennywise have you ever mated with someone before?" Damn. I'm starting to get too bold I was afraid of his response just imagining him saying yes he has made my stomach turn
"No." Pennywise lifts my chin up " Mating season I tend to stay away from." He smirks. I felt my face turn red now, starring at him I couldn't look away it was like he was hypnotizing me.
" We'll, I used to stay away from mating season." Still a smirk on his face Pennywise lifts me on to the sink. Used to? Then does that mean he wants to mate?! Pennywise starts licking me, first my cheeks then my neck I was getting wet just feeling his wet tongue licking me was enough to make me go insane I spread my legs so that I can wrap them around his waist. He had a lustful look in his eyes and his breathing was heavy he looked like a dog in heat I figured this was my chance to get what I've always wanted from Pennywise I wanted him to touch me not like an object or play thing but to really touch me like a human to love me gently, to give me tender kisses to my most pleasure-able places. This was NOT how I imagined my first time to be especially not with Pennywise who isn't even human how does his kind even mate? Does he have a penis? All these questions fill my head will mating with him be painful? Well, there was only one way to find out I place my hands gently on his face and Penny and I share a heated kiss each breath I took in between I felt him gripping my waist more and more. Pennywise rips my top off along with my bra he let's his tongue out again and starts licking my breast, I could tell his instincts were taking over he acting more like a beast that a moral which at this point I didn't mind he starts sucking on my nipples I let out a loud moan it felt so damn good~ I Break my fingers through his gingerbread hair while he samples my body

" yeah, baby right there~" naturally in the heat of the moment a guy would have a boner by now but I didn't feel anything when it came to Pennywise. I start grinding on him it felt good because one of his red puffs was rubbing against my clit, I hear Pennywise's low grunts I guess he's enjoying himself just as much as me I bite his neck and start sucking on it I felt movement on his crotch like something was wiggling around in there I stop sucking on his neck for a bit to look to see what I was up against and boy...was it unbelievable.

He slips his pants down a little to let out the bulge forming inside his pants my eyes widened at the sight of Pennywise's.... tentacle?! There was about 5 of them, black and slimy they moved on there own trying to take my pants off Pennywise tries to distract me by licking my ear and it worked. My pants were off I felt a tentacle move my panties to the side why the other slid inside me it was warm and wet I felt a third tentacle rub my clit I start moaning like crazy it felt so good, Pennywise wasn't looking at me but staring as his tentacles getting soaked with the amount of juices dripping out of my body " Ugh." Pennywise let's out a long groan as his eyes roll back his mouth a open he must be in Ecstasy at this point. He was being gentle with me I could tell but apart of me wanted the beast inside of Penny to fuck me up!  I whisper in his ear
" Fuck me harder, baby~" Pennywise was being obedient he did as he was told somehow his 5 tentacles merge together to form one it felt like a dick he thrusted into me so hard my legs were giving out I was crying with pleasure along with pain. Fuck! It felt so good I thought I was going crazy I could hear the banging of of fucking against the walls I was reaching my climax and so was penny his thrusting turned to pounding it felt like I had to pee " Wait! Penny!" He wasn't listening to me he was too focus on cumming I try to wiggle my way out but it was no use THIS was it my first climax I let out one loud moan while Pennywise was finishing as well he bit me again on my neck and this time didn't let go I start to twitch I felt the pain but the pleasure out weighted it, I felt something warm leaking out of me. Pennywise licks my now wounded neck and nuzzles me close to his chest, was this him being affectionate? I could barely breath. " Dollface, did you know what I just did? you and I share something between us now." My eyes grew heavy and my body was exhausted if only I knew the trouble that I just gotten myself into.

" Rest. My sweet Ava."

What did Pennywise do?
What trouble did Ava get herself to?
Will Nonny and Ava end up together?

Stay tuned to 🎈 The Clowns Favorite Toy🎈

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