🎈The Intruder part 2🎈

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"Home?" I mumbled to myself before trying to find a place to hide. I thought to myself as to where on earth Pennywise went I could no longer sense him in the area but if he wasn't near my stomach would feel pain, right? That's what he said before..."Anybody home???" The voiced sounded like like it was near I glanced at an old refrigerator near me and dove inside closing the door slightly. "Grrr....Tsk, Tsk, human. I smell you." I cover my mouth I felt my whole body shake why does this voice cause me to shake in fear? I place my hand on my stomach I whisper " Where are you?" I crack open the door ever so slightly and there this man was...red hair, sharp teeth with these striped pants examining the heart of the sewers so carefully I couldn't help but wonder what he was searching for his bright red shoes weren't hard to miss, I felt my heart froze when I saw them coming closer to my hiding spot I close my eyes and swore I stopped breathing for a sec until I heard a voice , " Grrrrr, elder..." my eyes widened at Pennywise's voice "elder?" So..one of his kind is here?! " Pennywise! What a pleasure." I could hear the shoes walking away from me "thank god~" I let out a tiring sigh " What brings you to my domain, elder?" Hearing Pennywise talking to this....elder fellow made me fear for my safety who could he be to have gained Pennywise's respect? "Whom ever he is...he better keep his distance from MY MATE~" his voice had a sudden change in tone which puzzled me a moment I look down at my stomach and started to rub it " Fuck. I always assumed Donna would get knocked up first instead of me." I close back the fridge -Click- holy shit! That was kinda loud. I felt a sudden chill crawl up my spine, who is this mysterious presence? And why does he strike more fear inside me than Pennywise himself? I couldn't take it anymore, I leaped out of the fridge and ran for my life! I heard a shrieking followed by loud footsteps coming from behind me I didn't dare turn around until I made it into the tunnels then I heard it's voice " NOOOOooooooo" I heard nothing after that. When I arrived to the tunnels I paused for a moment I knew the amount of pain I'd feel when we'd part ways, after all....I'm carrying his offspring. "HURRY" his voice echoed the tunnels along with my rib cage. I dashed deeper into the tunnels as the further I went the more pain the baby made me endure, it got so bad I began to cripple down from the pain. I lower my body down into the filthy sewer water, I wanted to go back I'd even run into Pennywise's arms if that meant even a second of the baby being calm. I curled up into a ball causing my clothes to become soaked, my body began to tremble in all hopelessness I saw something that I never knew could fill me with so much hope, I saw a mysterious red balloon floating in front of me, I let out a tiresome sigh attempting to stand on my own two feet. When I finally thought I can manage a few steps I heard a rumbling " Oh for fucks sake.."

End of Ava's( P.O.V)

By the time mom got back I had already threw my guts up onto the floor. I've never seen my mother so worked up over me like this I wanted to cry but I knew if I did I'd end up being the one to calm her down, my mother was always so emotional when it came to the twins and I.  My eyes widened and my mother and I looked eyes " The twins!" I shouted " where are they?" Mama pulled me in and whispered " there asleep at the bakery, let's hurry and get back before I get more police knocking at my door.." I nodded my head and my mother helped me get ready to leave and we were off.

All during the ride back at the house I prayed for Ava's safety. Spending the time I had with her was so precious to me I wanna have more of those days with her, if only....hahaHAHAAhaaha " FUCK!" his laughter snuck into my mind quicker than the fear I felt in my heart when I first saw him. My sudden outburst caused my mother to almost swerve off the road " God damn, Baby! You all good there?" I hesitated for a moment " yeah, ma sorry...It's just I never knew how deep the sewers were...and how many secrets those dark cold tunnels carry, ma.." my mother was silent for a moment I could tell she was holding her tongue all by the way she was gripping the steering wheel. We didn't speak for a while maybe about 30 minute until my mother broke the silence" Nonny-"  her voice was almost as a whisper I barely even heard her, it was as if she was speaking to herself I turned to her " I had a very....dear friend that die- my jaw dropped " MOM PULL THE FUCK OVER!!!!!!" 

Nonny's (P.O.V)

It was as something out of a horror movie, a beautiful girl soaking wet hair and all on the road late at night. But I knew...I knew that was Ava, although her hair was wet I could still see the ginger in the moonlight. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped I felt lost for words but I managed, lol.  I shouted at my mother to pull over and once she did I ran to her, I ran to Ava as fast as I could stitched up leg and all I felt my stitches tear but I didn't care all that was on my mind was her. When I got close enough she reached for me " Nonny? Please, please help me. I wanna go home, Nonny" her words made my eyes water, lord knows what we had to endure what SHE had to endure while I was gone I hugged her, I hugged her hoping she could feel my warmth she was practically ice in my arms, she was shaking like a leaf and she...she smelled like.. " Ass..." she looked up at me with tears still coming down her face " huh?" I laughed " You smell like ass, Ava. Haha, you had to walk through those shitty waters, huh?" She shoved me off her I couldn't help but laugh until tears started coming through then I started to get a sharp pain from all the laughter at that point I was kneeling at her feet, I looked up at her I could see a faint smile I'm glad she still had her sense of humor through all that crazy shit we'd been through. Ava started laughing hysterically all of a sudden " huh? What's so funny?" I asked I was puzzled I felt my mother's hand on my shoulders I turned around "huh?" 💥 POW💥  my mother punched me right in the ribs I gasped at the amount of air I had lost and fell to my knees. " Tsk. The nerve ..come one, boy! Can't you see the poor girl's hurt! Come here, sugar. Mama's gonna fix you right up!" My mother sure can pack a punch but she was a kind women she hugged Ava as if she was her long lost daughter " Um...after we a get you all cleaned up!" my momma had a big smile all on her face. We helped Ava into the backseat and I happily sat right beside her, she even held my hand on the way, I felt like one of those old romantic city movies and my mother was a cab driver, haha I couldn't help but smile all the way home.  I put my arm over Ava and she gently tilted her head on my shoulder I didn't even care that it smelled like ass and sewage water. I kissed her on the forehead I almost gagged I turned my head to the back and I was memorized at the full moon tonight, man I feel so blessed to be alive right now especially being with Ava right now. I was grinning ear to ear until the moon was covered...by a single red balloon.

"Take care of her for me, Nonny~
I'll be back for her later..."


I'm back guys~

Will... for the most part... (°°)

My work isn't revised so I'm sorry you had to use all of your brain cells to figure out what I'm typing, I'm sorry! I'll revise my work as a WHOLE when I'm finished with this book.

Anyways...what do you guys think the mysterious new scary entity is???

I still don't really know. I was trying to go for old Pennywise meets new Pennywise's but I'm not sure how that'll go...😅

Anyways thanks to for patience and thanks for reading  🎈" The Clowns Favorite Toy" 🎈

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