Chapter Four: Revive

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Madam Nunez address disappears upon the inside of the wrist as soon as I past the metal gates to her front porch. She didn't live anywhere near the live city or even the business district, she was in Treme, a known place for being the oldest African American neighborhood in New Orleans. The houses were painted in bright colors, kids ran around with light clothing on because of the spring heat, and the elderly sat on their concrete porches; waving a fan in their face while talking about the good old days.

Made Nunez was one of those elders, she sat in her rocking chair smoking a pipe, forming perfect o's with the smoke and watching it disappear into thin air. As I approached the uneven steps, she checked her watch and nod her head in acceptance at the time. "I see you are persistent in keeping your word."

"Of course, madam. What shall I do first?" I expected her to shove a broom in my hands and orders to be barked in my air, but that wasn't the case.

Madam Nunez released her last puff while standing to her feet, she limbed lightly from her old bones, cursing under her breath about her weak knees. "Come on, I'll show ya."

I jogged after her, stepping through the door have seemed to have taken me into another realm. Instead of the usual characteristics of a house, you know, furniture, kitchen, some family portraits along the wall to show you care about others. However, that wasn't the case.

Madam Nunez leads me inside a large cave like storage space, the walls made of stone and rock, a clear pond in the middle of the space- easily showing are reflection as we walk by, the ceiling held rock like spikes that drips down at different lengths as drops of water fell into the pond and some parts of the floor. Not only does the cave look peaceful, the sound of nature filled my waits; exotic birds chirping, the flapping of their wings bounced off the walls, and the smell of fresh air immediately made me relax.

"Where are we?" I spoke breathlessly, intrigued and excited like a child walking through Disneyland.


"How... I mean, this must of took some really strong magic."

Madam Nunez nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders as if it weren't a big deal. "Stick with me, you'll learn some tricks. But don't get use to this yet, I want you to do something else for me." She eventually leads me out the cave and into the small path surrounded by low hanging trees, flowers I've only see on the internet, and the natives who were apparently waiting for us with a wagon and donkey ready to go.

The older woman climbed onto the back of the wagon, still fussing about her knees and even rubbing them through her long skirt. I followed pursuit, smiling widely while pulling out my phone to take pictures of my adventure. "This is amazing." I practically yelled, causing the natives to chuckle at me. The wagon jerk awake before being pulled away from the unsecured cave. "Aren't you worried someone is going to take your stuff?"

Madam Nunez shook her head. "No one adventure too far from the city, if they do, then the cave is cloaked in a spell where it's just a regular cave." She continues to rub her right knee, she tried to be discreet but the agony was written all over her face. "The climate, it affects my joints."

"I can help you." I turned to face her while steadying myself from the shaking and bumps. I removed her hand and hovered both of my own upon her leg, fluttering my eyes closed I feel the static form into electricity. The familiar sensation course through my veins as I felt it pour out my palms and into its usual blue ray of light. I heard her gasp in shock, she was holding her breath with wide eyes. Once I felt she was all healed, I removed my hands and gave her a small smile. "Better?"

She kicks her leg out to test the tune up, it shocks her even more. "Que demonios! How did you do that?"

"Apart of my fight or flight experience. It just comes to me." I took more pictures, I was a fanatic; too excited to miss every moment, and to eager to not tell Lucas. Too bad I didn't have service.

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