Chapter Sixteen: Bear Trap

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The humid atmosphere turned cold, the chilly breeze brushed against my as the thin layer of clothes barely covered anything by my breast and ass. I was wet, just five minutes ago it was raining and I was trapped under the short storm and left to shiver to death. The road was long, vacant, with dark uneven pavement and the moonlight to guide me. I've walked along the way she, rubbing warmth to my arms while keeping my head down and eyes focused in front.

Two dots of yellow light formed at the end of the road, the ground shook and loud music played, echoing through the night and causing my heart to pick up pace. I stopped, stepping closer to the edge as the monster truck rush by, but stopped in a screeching halt not too far away. The blue beast rolls back slowly, revealing the confederate flag amongst the back window and antlers on the rooftop.

"Hey darling." A skinny white boy hung out from the passenger window, his hat camouflage and further proving he was a confederate hillbilly, hair long and untamed; I can smell the beer upon his skin and cavities in his teeth. "What you doing out here all alone?" His beady black eyes scanned my body slowly, taking note of my wet clothes, perky breast with my nipples showing because of the breeze, and my freshly shaven legs that made him smile even more.

I wrapped my arms around my body and shuddered. "My car broke down, I got stuck in the rain, and I can't get a signal on my phone. Can you help me?" I forced my voice into a soft tone, as of fearful of the dark and hopeful for a knight to save me.

The beady eyed hillbilly looked around to his friends, there were four of them, all I don't recognize but I can smell the lycan blood under their finger nails and see the pure silver around their necks. "Sure, hope on in. We'll take you to a place close by, you can use the phone and warm up."

The back door opened, revealing more of the drunk men. I willingly climbed in and seat in the mixture of tobacco and cheap beer. Country rock music played in the back ground as four pair of brown eyes stared at me with wonder. I wrapped my arms around my chest and distracted them further. "What's this place?"

"Oh, a bar just a half mile back. I know the owner, he'll let you burrow some clothes and use his phone, of course it's a fee for a pretty lady such as yourself; you would have to drink with us."

"I don't know, I'm not much of a drinker."

"There's wine coolers, but you do have a choice darling."

The truck made a sharp u-turn and speed down the road, country rock blast through the speakers as the bass beats against my chest. We were in front of the bar in no time, like the guy said, it wasn't crowded but there was still a lot of men: they all wore silver chains, held hand guns upon their waist, and even a few carried stakes out in the open.

"Here you go darling. By the way, my name is Brady." Handing me a large jacket that smell of motor oil and a tobacco.

"Thanks." I sent him a small smile. We walked to the thick metal door, a fat guard sat upon a stool under a lone yellow light.

He looked up, eyeing my lack of clothing and wet state. He smirked and stood to his full height, "You know we don't allow outsiders in here."

Brady chuckled and shook his head. "Look at her, her car broke down on the side of the road caught by the rain. She just need to use Mack's phone and get a drink. Do the test if your suspicious." The test consist of the cliche process to detect supernatural creatures, only problem for them is detecting a witch. We're a strain away from being human, because of that hunters become extremely suspicious.

"The test?" I questioned, my act as a clueless damsel fits well with their ego.

The other guy, which I've learned his name was Troy, chuckled devious. "Don't worry love, nothing harmful. Just precaution."

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