Chapter Twenty-One: Power to Grow

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The air was sticky and humid, hot and filled with mosquitoes to the point they were eating me alive; but I stayed outside, enjoying the navy blue sky and specks of stars upon the surface, the half moon making itself known as it poured its light on the earth. I stared at the greenhouse, eyeing the vines that burst through the glass- reminding me Maxine has been gone for over a month, possessed by a long lost half-sister and forced to do horrible acts for the mother of all evil.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped off the porch, my bare feet digging into the soft soil as I walked down the path towards the open glass door. Shadows surrounded the walls, the vines grew on the glass like curtains from the size of uncooked spaghetti to a fat man's wrist. The pots were empty, growing weeds and dying stems, the dirt dry and half empty, the ground covered in dead leaves and broken clay.

I stood in the middle of the mess, the heavy feeling of sadness weighed on my chest, tears streamed down my cheeks as my body shuddered to contain all of my emotions. The numerous amount of massacres that occurred during the past week came to me, hitting my mind every second, all the horrid faces and dead eyes, the blood and guts; all because of what- me?

"I can hear you crying from a mile away." Ellen's voice echo around the room, she stepped in with hesitation- also bare foot and just woken up.

I wiped away my tears before turning, taking in the young succubus. I can see why they were known as beautiful demons, their natural forms can capture the light; whether the sun or moon, even in a large shirt and messy hair she looked like a model. "You don't know this, but my little cousin use to come in here with her green thumbs and fix this place up- every spring and summer."

Ellen steps forward, arms wrapped around her thin body as she take in the dull dead place. "Where is she now?"

"Her actual location, we don't know. But Maxine isn't in control of her own body, she's possessed by a half fallen half demon bitch, my sister on the paternal side of my blood."

"I'm sorry to hear." She mumbled while plucking a small twig from a near by pot. "This place is in need of a little life, perhaps you're the only one who can give it that."

I scoffed softly and shook my head in disagreement. "I've caused so much chaos and death, I don't think I can form light anymore."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Jupiter. You weren't the one to hurt those people."

"Yeah, but I was there, every single time. I could of prevented all of those deaths or not be around, that could of been for the best; me not being around."

"No, that wouldn't have been for the best. Do you believe in fate?" She stepped close, the twig still in between her fingers, her bare feet stepping freely upon the ground- not carrying about broken clay and spiky stems. "Although my parents are humans, they're all about fate and destiny; whatever happens to your life will shape who you will be in the future. Perhaps your fate, the deaths and chaos now will push you to be a better person- to hold light in a world of darkness, to guide others when shit is tough."

"How poetic. But I'm not that type of girl." The rose bushes were frail, tiny buds hung on the twigs with dare life, even though scorching hot summer was coming soon and without anyone taking care of them- they'll form mold and fungus.

"Of course you are." Ellen persist. "Try it. Grow a flower."

"I can't just grow something that's already dead."

"You didn't even try." Ellen came into view, a pot full of dirt in her hands and a small smile that encouraged me to prove I couldn't do it.

I grabbed the pot from her with a eye roll and sighed heavily. I eyed the the dry patch of dirt holding nothing but dormant seeds. The static in my fingertips formed into electricity, it rattled my veins and weighed down on my chest. I blew in the pot, extending my power to the dead soil- the weight upon my chest rolled off. We waited, seconds went by without a sign of life. I looked up at Ellen, a confused look upon her face. "See, it doesn't-"

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