Chapter Eighteen: Mother of Misfortune

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The woods near Lucas cabin held more peace and history as I walked down the similar path to the opening, the split tree has grown its own colony of fungus and mold, the ground grew patches of weeds and flowers, and the perfect circle of herbs was still intact. Hesitation came over me when taking a small step into the circular barrier, the first time I stepped into the space was when I lost control and saw all the souls lost because they stepped into my life in someway, and the sky above formed into a deadly lightning storm.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the energy from the earth course through my fingertips, hitting every nerve until striking my chest. The wind picks up, the humid air turned chilly as the dark storm cloud roll in, the clap of thunder filled the air.

The darkness inside my chest expands with the dark clouds; roaring with thunder and striking the earth with lightning. The wind picks up, the sound if the leaves twirling upon the ground, branches shaking violently and ground shaking. Opening my eyes, the world was completely dark, the layer of night came upon me, a bolt of lightning strikes the surface just a few feet away- sending electricity through my veins and knocking me down.

I pushed the darkness down, removing the harsh storm and returning the land back to its sunny humid day. The electricity poured through me, fueling my excitement and adrenaline as my nerves rattled violently; giving me a unbelievable high.

"You have certainly increased your skill." Peter stepped into my view, his gaze was covered by the usual circular sunglasses that barely covered his entire eye.

My finger tips gripped the dirt under me as I take in a shaky breath. "What are you doing here?"

Peter looks up to examine the disaster I created. I suspect twigs and small branches were all around, plus small flames from the lightening. "For the past two weeks, all I'm seeing is drama and magic tricks."

I stand to my feet, ignoring the numbness in my legs and the intimidating height difference. "And all I see is jack shit from the angels, but I try not to complain." I kicked the dirt and ruined the perfect circle and putting out the flames- along with my frustration. "This is bullshit. You give us crappy coordinates and expect us to fight a being that's powerful as three angels in one, this is a suicide mission."

Peter wasn't phased by my tantrum, a raise brow showed his nonchalant attitude that fueled my frustration even more. "You want direct answers I can not give you."

"Please save me this biblical mess you're about to spring on me. I just need a way to take down Lilith and move onto my normal life."

"Your normal life?" He chuckled, it was dry and curt as he shake his head. "Your life was never normal. Everything you've done up to this point has shaped you in a way that is truly remarkable. Every blood you shed, every soul you saved has weighed on your skills and your mortality." Peter stood before me, an inch away as his voice became stern and loud, the world became silent as I take it all in. "You are no longer a witch, Jupiter."

I eyed the angel, my brows furrowed as I step away from him and his overbearing excitement. "I have too much on my plate right now to react to that."

I could tell the angel rolled his eyes at me through the dark shades while groaning in irritation. "You're not listening, so let me break it down for your mortal brain of yours. You're no longer a witch, which means you don't have witch limits, which falls to the fact that fifty percent of your blood has taken over your mortal genes. You are no longer a simple witch with a simple life, Jupiter, you just haven't reached your full potential yet. Making a storm and healing wounds is just a tip of the iceberg."

"Okay, I get it. You wanna throw me a few tips to open up the rest of my powers, or are you going to go cold turkey?" Peter only smirk before disappearing. "Dick." I whispered before kicking another patch of dirt.

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