Chapter Nine: Rain on this Parade

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Torches were placed all around me in a perfect circle, shadows formed in between each stake with half of their faces revealed under the light. The ground was cold, hard, wet, my bare toes dug into the dirt, my ankles bound by thick rope, and hands shackles behind my back. I screamed, my voice carried out in the darkness to be barely heard. The shadows gawked, eyes weighing me down, the brittle cold freezing my skin, clothes wet- covered in blood that didn't belong to me.
'Please, why are you doing this?' I begged, my body weak and shivering, tears stream down my face as their eyes stared deep into my soul, burning me on the inside out. The being shadows morphed into a being wearing a thick purple cloak that covered half of his face, arms out while holding a gold and bronze plated book with Egyptian scriptures.
He read slowly, his voice deep and husky, echoing in the darkness and bouncing back onto me. A flame inside my chest burst, boiling my insides, my skin glowed with red flames, heart pounding incredibly fast, lungs expanding- close to bursting. I screamed in agony, the flames burned every inch, my organs, muscles, joints, my bones were used as wood- fueling the torture.
'Kill me.' I whimpered, back presses against the cold ground. 'Please.'
Another figure steps out of the shadows, stepped into my blurred vision and kneeled. Her long fingers gripped my chin, harshly turning my fear to look into her pitch black eyes. The familiar face struck more fear into my heart, lips pulled into a snarl, teeth pointy and unnatural. 'Katherine. This... this isn't real, you're supposed to be dead.'
She snarled, lips tugged into a large smirk. 'Does it feel fake? Let me show you how death truly feels.' Her nails dug into my chest, tearing into my flesh, ripping me apart until snatching out my heart. It still pumped in her hands, her tongue dart out to give the organ a long lick. Katherine hummed in delight. 'Mmm, delicious.'

"No!" I gasped, hand pressed against my chest to feel my heart pumping out of my chest. I shot up, taking in the small room and the smell of bacon instead of burning flesh and blood.

"Bad dream?" Lucas stood in the middle of the kitchen, spatula in hand, shirtless, eyes wide in curiosity and worry.

I took a deep breath and nod my head. "Terrible." Falling back in the bed, I felt my body ache and stomach swirl, the after effects of binge drinking on beer and just eating bar pretzels.

Lucas came around with a glass of orange juice and one slice of toast with butter. "This'll make you feel better."

I took them both without hesitation, my body felt heavy and stomach nearly eating itself. I finished the toast and glass of orange juice in one sitting and sighed in relief that I didn't have a headache. "Why aren't you at work?" I asked after checking the time, it was twenty past ten.

"I'm taking the day off, vacation time is past due."

"So, you're taking a early weekend?"

"Yup, I go back to work Tuesday morning." He chirped, obviously excited for four days of free time. Walking back into the open kitchen, he turned off the stove and covered two plates with eggs and more toast. "I was thinking we can spend Sunday and Monday down in the cabin, it's all fixed up and ready to be used."

I sit up against the cold metal headboard, shivering from the sensation before warming my palms with the hot plate. "Sounds good to me."

"Tell me about this friend of yours. Ellen Qiū, I believe you said that was her name."

Unfortunately during my drunken step into the apartment, I started to name drop. Although it was sooner or later Lucas new of my profound friendship, I didn't want to be drunk. Now he probably thinks she's irresponsible. "Yeah, she's really cool." I chirped before stuffing fork full of eggs in my mouth. I moaned from the quick satisfaction I felt, my stomach no longer held the urge to eat itself and the food was soaking up the alcohol.

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