Chapter Eight: Who is Ellen Qiū?

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The flames boiled my skin, the smell of rot and sulfur burned my nostrils and numb every limb in my body. I was motionless, stuck in a pool of blood, the screams of agony pierced my ears, as the site of bodies hanging on the wall, some dead, others close to death. The shackles dug I to their skin, tearing away that their wrist as their shoulders dislocated from their weight hanging freely. They were soaked in blood, I could barely recognize them, but their eyes, their hallow lifeless eyes could be seen through the bright flames and darkness. Four pairs of brown, forest green, and hazel. They stared down at me, as if pleading for help but it was too late. I was too late...

I shot up with a gasp, the air was humid and moist, causing my skin to sweat and stick to the sheets. My gaze wandered around the room, it was dark, the four beige colored walls kept a little light to them to get rid of the shadows as the faint yellow street light poured into the open window.

The space beside me was empty, cold, Lucas didn't come back yet from work. It was past twelve, which isn't bad timing for a detective, but I couldn't help but worry. You coming up my phone from the side table, I texted him a quick message.

Jupiter: Just checking on you.

It didn't take long for him to text back.

Lucas: Won't be home in another hour. Go to sleep babe, you know how you are when you don't get enough sleep.

I smiled while rolling my eyes, I may have spent more than a few weeks with him- in fact, it feels like I just moved in without any warnings. The small suitcase full of my clothes was placed on the chair, my toothbrush and makeup found a space in the bathroom, and we already have our own sides of the bed- even though we invade each other space through the night. Although, it seem like Lucas doesn't mind, I can't help but feel this is too fast.

Jupiter: Be careful.

I text back before doing the opposite of sleeping. I laid back in the bed and go through my social media; twitter, instagram, tumblr, and Snapchat. All in which reminded me of my old life and old friends. I saw a few friends from high school posting on Twitter, they looked so happy with their lives; getting married, going on trips to Fiji or France, having a kid or two- happy, smiling, with only minor stress consisting of bills and student loans.

Two of my closest friends in high school and college came to my mother's funeral, after that week we fell off and completely went out separate ways. Sometimes I wished I had a normal life like them, that we were still friends and I became the godmother of one of their kids while going on couple trips or dinners. What if I went with my ex-boyfriend to Utah? I would most likely be a housewife, probably be on our third kid by now, have suburban mom friends and be that soccer mom we would joke about.

However, laying here, wrapped in Lucas blankets and taking in the smell of his men dove soup; I would never give this up, I wouldn't wish to leave him. As I scrolled through twitter, I went to the next gut cringing media- Instagram. As soon as I tap on the app, I received a notification saying I had a new follower.

EllenGQ126 started following you. 2 hours.

I tapped on her profile, immediately seeing the numerous amount of bright and colorful photos taken. She just posted one an hour ago, holding a new typed script with a caption of: Just finished the ending, let's hope the director agrees to it... #nervousasf*ck.

I chuckled to myself from her quirkiness, she's the first witch I've met that acts awkward and ditsy. I followed her back and like the recent picture before actually closing my eyes to sleep, hoping the horrible dream wouldn't come back.

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