Chapter Twenty: Succubus Half-Breed

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The holding cells were empty, only two large metal bar cages settled in the room with a few uncomfortable benches and a small metal toilet in each cell. The bars were laced with holy oil, salt, and witch wards to keep the supernatural in and weaken their abilities to the point of them being human- especially a succubus.

Ellen sat on the furthest bench, feet tugged under her body, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as old clothes from the lost and found covered her naked form. She was shaking from the chilly air and lack of a proper meal to fit her inhuman needs. "Please, I need raw meat. Anything." She begged.

I leaned forehead on my elbows, studying her human form. "I thought succubus are supposed to eat souls."

"We do, it's just the half breeds are need meat too. Raw organs of some kind stores more protein and fat for us to survive on for about five years." It was a struggle for her to speak, but she manage to chuckle lightly as if she were saying a joke.

I sighed heavily, skeptical in grabbing whatever raw meat I can find in the morgue. Yet, I can still feel her emotions weighing on my chest, the hunger and fright shakes my nerves. "Give me a second." I grumbled before rushing out the large room. I went straight downstairs to the morgue where Aunt May spends most of her time now, I'm glad she's no longer stuck in the house. "Do you have a fresh body? Anything that died in the past two days."

She raised a brow at my request, her eyes wandered around the room full of white sheeted covered bodies. I knew they were from the massacre from last night. "It's for the succubus? I thought they eat souls."

"Not half-breeds, they need raw meat for nutrition."

Aunt May sighed heavily before randomly picking a body from the litter and carefully extracting a untouched liver. Placing it in a plastic evidence bag, she hands it over. "Make sure you hide it from the humans, they'll freak out."

I nod my head in understanding before placing the wrapped organ in green colored gloves. "Thank you." I voiced before walking back upstairs to the cells. When walking in, I see Nia standing near the cell, studying the succubus with curiosity. "Oh, hello."

She jerked back from the bars and took in a sharp breath of air. "Is that a succubus?"

I nod my head yes and extend my arms into the cell, revealing the packed liver. "This will be enough to carry you over."

Ellen eyed the meal cautiously before shuffling over to grab it from my hands and take a better look at the organ before sinking her sharp teeth in the raw flesh. "Thank you." She mumbled, cold blood drooling down the corner of her mouth before she wiped it away.

"This is my first time seeing one, I heard stories. Plus the one where you blast two of them away, just like that." She snapped her fingers while placing a smirk upon her face. I realized mostly all young detectives are cocky naturally.

I narrowed my eyes at her statement. I tried not to speak on the matter in front of Ellen, although they abused her with threats, they were her own kind- most likely the only two that she met during her confusing life. "I can only assume you're here to do your interview. I'll get out your hair-"

"No, just curious." She shrugged her shoulders before walking out the room.

I rolled my eyes at the nonchalant cocky attitude and focused on Ellen, who was close to finishing her meal. "Lucas new partner." I voiced with heavy sigh. "Not only is she close to his age and beautiful, she holds the same attitude and hobbies."

Ellen chuckled lightly while shaking her head. "You're jealous, I see it all the time. No matter who you are or what you are, a person always have a episode of jealousy." Taking the last chunk of meat, she finish the liver and licked her fingers to get rid of the blood. The succubus sat on the bench, her knees to her chest while her eyes study mine. "What are you?"

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