Chapter Ten: Wishes Eventually Come True

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A gasp escaped my lips before coughing violently. My throat and mouth dry, body throbbing, and heart escalating fast to the point of pounding out of my chest. The sky was gray and cloudy as a cool chill brushed against my skin, ground cold and hard, and silence all around with no form of noise being made anywhere.

I sit up slowly, my stomach tightened from the attempt and shot pain through my body, my back aches and left leg feel as if nails were being hammered into my bone. I stood to my feet, taking in the familiar street in the city, the empty road, no sign of cars or people. The buildings looked empty, and the silence- it weighed me down with worry. "Hello!" I screamed, my voice echo in the street, receiving no form of feedback; not even a bird chirping in the distance.

I stumbled down the empty street, eyes wandering around the empty block, the cool breeze brushing against the deli's cloth sign above the wall, the Christmas lights from Mardi Gras were still up; twinkling over and over again until wearing out. Finally, sound.

The faint sound of music filled my airs, my eyes wandered around the street until coming upon a ice cream shop that I never seen before. A shadow moved inside, giving me hope that I weren't alone, however; I was still cautious. Stepping slowly to the door, I clasped the cold handle and open it to come in contact with the voices of Salt-n-Pepper.

A young woman held the floor as her stage, dancing with a brow stick in ones hand while the other held a root beer float. Her hair bounced from side to side as her clothes were a little different; red jumper with a green and red jacket, large gold earrings, and converse. Her dance moves were a little out of style as well, I kept myself from laughing.

"Uh, hello?"

She jumped out of her skin, immediately going into fighting mode with the broomstick as her weapon while dropping her root beer float. Now seeing a perfect view of her face, familiarity hits my mind as well as hers. "Jupiter?"


Mom dropped her broomstick and ran towards me, arms open, pulling me into a tight hug- which I responded back with one as well. "I can't believe you're here. Wait." She pushes me at arms length. "How are you here?"

A surge of pain hits my stomach and back, a reminder of my death. A shudder went down my spine as my own realization came through me... I'm dead. "I did a spell-"

"I already know your lying to me. Speak the truth, Jupiter." She was stern, even in her younger body.

I tried my best not to laugh, it was odd seeing her my age and telling me what to do, but her eyes are the same from when I saw her; so my laughter dies in my chest. "Madam Nunez was possessed, I saw the markings indicating the possession, but the demon lied and I believed it, and it was too late for me to escape." The image of Madam Nunez killing me makes the pain resurface. I pressed a hand to my stomach to feel the tender spots where I were stabbed and shuddered even more.

Mom sighed heavily while looking away to keep herself from crying. "You want some ice cream?" Walking behind the counter, she pulled out a small bowl and started to scoop cookie dough ice cream, my favorite. She also added a small waffle comb and spoon before handing it over.

I took the first taste, satisfaction and savoring delight hits my taste buds, pushing the pain from my body and numbing my fear. I moaned in relief and sighed softly. "I never saw this place before."

"It was around when I was young, they closed it a year after you were born. Sit... sit."

I planted myself on the red cushioned stool and dived deeper into my dessert. "What is this place? Heaven? Limbo?"

Mom scooped herself another root beer float, her lips dropped slightly into a frown but she kept her appearance of happiness. "It's in between the two. Let's just say it's a waiting area to get into heaven, you'll be surprised how busy they are up there- a lot of good souls in the world, not enough angels. So, other than the fact the old possessed hag killed you, what else is happening?"

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