Chapter Fourteen: Jedlík Kostí

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Jules or should I say Julia.... A woman no older than twenty-nine, young, sexy, nice body that she clear clients around in the nude outside of her home. Her hair was short and held a perfect raven color that matched her ivory skin that looked slightly silver under the moonlight, her eyes the color of red and violet, and glows purple when her beast emerge. Clearly she has history with my man, the way she smirked when he whispered her name, how fast his beast crawled back into his chest, and shoulders slumped in relief.

I glared at her immediately and made myself notice by stepping in between the two. "This is private property." I spat, carelessly of my jealousy and protective instinct. "So either you drag your naked ass back where you came from, or I'll force you out."

Julia tilts her head to the side as amusement came over her. "Sorry." She chuckled lightly while raising her hands in surrender. "This isn't what I've planned." From the movement her perfect perky pressed swayed and pink nipples hardened from the sudden cool breeze that formed in the humidity. "May I get a blanket or something?"

Lucas immediately volunteered to run into the house, leaving us two out here alone; two strangers with a common denominator. Julia decided to finally cover herself by placing one leg over the other and arm pressed against her breast. I kept the urge from rolling my eyes at her natural beauty. "What brings you?" I spoke sternly, my guard was up and I had no problem in kicking some she-lycan's ass.

"I came for you." However, she spoke smoothly, a natural seduction that made me relax a little. "There's word in the air that you're a healer, I need your skills to help someone."

"There is a front door and a better way to approach me, preferably with clothes on."

Her cheeks formed a pinkish hue from embarrassment. "I'm a little on edge, it's getting a little hard to control my lycan when around so many creatures in one territory. Also, I caught a scent of another lycan near by and took precautions. To come to find out it's Lucas, what a coincidence."

"How do you know Lucas?" I was back in my jealousy ways, my mood of relief plummets as the urge to kick her away from he could come back was strong. My body buzzed with the craving to fight, nerves rattled and mind cloudy with familiar bloodlust that I eventually pushed down.

Before she could answer, the screen door opened and closed with a sharp slam. Lucas ran back with a thick wool blanket in his hands as he tossed it over. Julia caught the thick cover and wrapped it securely around her frame. "Thanks Luke."

"So what are you doing here?"

"Uh, I'm here for the rumors of a healer. I believe I've found her. Sorry, again for sneaking up on you like this. In the past I found a hostile approach as a useful tactic."

"Speaking past." I urged while looking between them. They weren't related, even though Antonio and I would most likely not have the same exact characteristics if he were in his actual form. However, Lucas didn't exactly cringe when seeing her naked.

Lucas looks down at me with his left brow raised in humor. He can probably smell my jealousy from a mike away and he finds it funny. "How about you come back tomorrow morning, Julia."

"It's my daughter, she's really sick and we tried everything; a mundane doctor, our elders, other witches but none of them seems know the cause of the her illness. She's getting worse by the second and she may not make past sunrise. You're our only hope and I've traveled far to get here; to see you, can you not turn us away."

I cringed at her begging, it just a weak spot inside me. I didn't hesitate to agree, although she's a stranger- not matter if her and Lucas know each other. "Let me put on some proper clothes." Perhaps Lucas is right, I so run to strangers aid.

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