Chapter Fifteen: Blind Maiden

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The old woman lays in bed, hands clasped together on her stomach, chest rising up and down at a steady pace, the sound of her breathing filling the silence, as the smell of healing herbs mixing in with the smell of her open wound. A clean white bandage replaced her eyes, I knew that she knew her eyes were missing, her fingers flexed as she kept herself from touching the thick bandage. A soft sigh past her lips as she licks them slowly. "Why do you lurk? I may be blind, but my other senses are still around."

I pushed myself off the threshold. We put her in Maxine's room, it was torture to all of us to give up her bed, but it was also a hit of reality that Maxine held a slim chance of surviving through all of this. I stepped close but still keeping my distance. "How are you feeling?"

She licked her lips once again. "Numb, high up on meditation herbs. Francis surely know his stuff. Water, please."

I poured a cold glass of water and stuff a fresh straw in between the ice. She sat up slowly, taking the straw in between her dry lips and took several sips before pulling away. "I'll ask him to cut down on the dosage."

She shook her head. "No, keep the dosage. I knew this was coming. My mother was a fortune teller, one time she read my torture and told me I will be unseeing the world around and grasping the truth; I guess this is what she meant." Nunez chuckled harshly, it was dry and low with overwhelming hurt and pain.

I placed a comforting hand upon her, squeezing lightly. "You're alive, that's all that matters at the moment. You can heal, get back to your life, order me around and be apart of the council again."

"Perhaps I should retire from the council. I've heard there's someone taking my place already. By the way, when is your first meeting with the other communities?"

I sighed heavily before sitting on the edge of the bed. "Tonight." I grumbled.

Madam Nunez sighed heavily before cracking a smile. "The lycans will size you up, they'll try to hit below the belt to make you crack. Although the vampires attend our festivities and dinners, they still hate witches, and unlike Lycans they'll burn you with kindness- rule you out with trick questions and embarrass you in front of everyone."

"What about shapeshifters?"

"They don't have a council, they're more free range hillbillies that doesn't believe in order. It's our own council you would have to worry about, other than Francis, they're back stabbing pieces of shit- especially Theodore. He's the youngest warlock to ever be on the council, now you're the youngest out of witches and warlocks to even speak for them; Theodore will be threatened and he becomes very nasty."

I raised a brow, my fear of threats were nothing more than a a slap to the chest by a child. "He doesn't know me very well."

A smirk played upon her face as she returned the comforting squeeze. A sharp knock filled the silence, adverting my gaze to the missing fallen angel. "Ireland, huh."

Instead of making a snarky comment, Antonio walks into the room, a worn out handkerchief in his hand. "The key to kill Lilith." He voiced before opening the old piece of fabric, revealing a veil, white glowing liquid covered the glass. "The soul of a god, twice as efficient than the mark of Cain, but we can only use it once."

"Are you okay?"

Antonio looked drained, tortured by exhaustion as his eyes were glossy and dark. "I'm fine." He took a deep breath to push whatever negative thought in roaming around in his thought. "How are you Madam Nunez?"

"Other than the fact I'm talking to an actual fallen angel, I'm peachy. I do have many questions that can be answered on another day."

"Francis will come back in another hour, but I want to ask if you can help me with something, Lilith non-related." I gave him a small smile, hoping he'll tag along with me to the middle of lycan territory.

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