Chapter 7 : saying goodbye

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I wanna apologize for this chapter taking longer then I thought to get finished , I've been having a lot of family problems so I didn't have time to update .

" I can't believe you all came , also your disguises suck "

"Hey they do not ! " Tobin says glaring at me and I roll my eyes at her with a smile on my face .

Here we are at the airport as it's finally time to head back to hell where we came from , the last couple days have been a lot of fun with the team , they made sure I had a great day yesterday as we all went to the water park . I've been thinking about what Jill offered me and I think it's best if I spend as much time as I can with my grandmother before her time runs out . After who knows what will happen .

"Did you really think we weren't gonna say goodbye ?" Hope grins at me from under her disguise.

" i don't let myself have 'hope' like that but I'm glad you guys are here " I smile at them and Tobin chuckles at the pun I slipped in where Hope just rolls her eyes .

"Jordan Our flight is boarding we got to go " mike says placing his hand on my shoulder sadly , I nod my head and turn back to the girls .

" group hug ? " I smile as I open up my arms

"Awww come here kid " Tobin pulls me into a hug as everyone gets into a group hug before I can comment about her calling me a kid .

We stay hugging for a while before pulling apart . I pick my backpack off the ground and put it on over my shoulder . I look back at the girls and nod my head . I make eye contact with Alex and frown ,I walk up to her and hand her my phone .

" put your number in , I'll call you when the time comes "

She nods and after short typing she hand me my phone back with a sad smile .

" seeya later ?" I say as I back away from her .

" seeya later striker " I nod my head and make my way to broad our plane back .

" you aren't gonna hug her bye ?" Sara says as she walks next to me and I shake my head .

" if I do I won't be able to let go " I clear my throat and pull my backpack up " besides I'll see her again ...right "

"Right " Sara smiles at me sadly as mike joins us .

" let's go home " he says wrapping his arms around us happily as we walk onto the plane .

It's been a week since i left and things have been going as good as they can . I've been spending a lot of time with grandma and she seems to be getting better which is giving me a lot of hope that she will be fine no matter what the doctors say , which will cause me more pain in the end but I'm content where everything is right now matter how much I miss the girls . I haven't called Alex yet but I know I will and she knows I will's all about the timing .

Walking down stairs in my grandmothers house I see her sitting in the dinning room with lizzy her care taker as she does her daily check up .

"How's she doing Liz ?" I ask as I sit down next to grams with a plate of pancakes Liz made for breakfast.

Liz sighs and looks at me " same as yesterday "

I nod my head and sigh but smile at my grandmother.

" why don't we go to the park today sweet cake " grams says then looks up at lizzy " is that okay "

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