Chapter 10 : rookie

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I just realized I skipped a number 😂😂
Oh well hope you enjoy this chapter

" you're just salty that you gotta sit in a piece of ass seat while I get first class " I say to the flight attendant who was being extremely rude to me our entire flight , seriously I'm not even being dramatic this time , I accidentally bumped into her while trying to get into my seat and ever since she has 'accidentally ' spilt coffee on me as well as 'accidentally ' put hot sauce on my sandwich and I'm not even gonna get into the part where she Accidentally got me locked in the bathroom
I'm mean COME ON !

" you know what ...Jane " I say as I take a look at her name tag for the first time " why don't you go take those cheep ass shoes you have on and shove them up your nonexistent flat as hell ass-"

" okay ! W-we are just gonna leave now " tobin says cutting me off and pushing me towards the exit of the plane , Alex follows behind us with my suitcase as I pull my backpack over my shoulder and roll my eyes

" I am so sorry " Hope says as she walks past the flight attendant " she is a little fire cracker isn't she " she chuckles nervously as Jane the hoe attendant glares at her

" come on guys she had it coming " I say as I place my Orlando pride hat on my head

" as much as I agree with you , that wasn't the way to handle it , we can call later and report the problem " hope says smacking the back of my head

" ow " I groan out rubbing my head
Tobin and Alex laugh at my pain as we make our way out the airport and wait for whoever is supposed to pick us up

" suck it up buttercup " Tobin says as she turns to me once we come to a stop , she looks me up and down like a creep then points to my hat with a glare " what is that "

" Orlando pride ? " I shrug confused with fake innocence

" Portland thorns " she spits out

" Orlando pride " I cross my arms

" Portland thorns " she flicks my hat off my head as if it's poisonous , Alex catches it and places it back on my head then proceeds to wrap her arm around my shoulder

" Orlando pride " Alex says and I smirk at Tobin

"This isn't over "Tobin says pointing at me " I'm gonna get you a Portland thorns hat "

"Whatever you say Toby " she goes to yell at me but gets cut off by a car rolling up to where we are standing , we all turn and look as the window rolls down

" y'all gonna just stand there all silly looking or are you gonna get into the damn car ? " a odd taking squirrel says with a silly smile on her face

" really kel are the sunglasses necessary ? It's like 10:35 pm " Alex says as we get into the car

" I thought it made me look cooler " she says with a shrug and I look at her with a sad fake smile

" cool " I correct her

"Huh ?" She turns to me confused

" well you said cooler which would imply that you were already cool and that the glasses made you 'cooler' " I wave my hand around a bit then point to her with a smirk " so on that case it made you cool not cooler because you were never cool , but you are a dork so thumbs up " I give her a thumbs up and she goes to jump at me from her seat but hope pushes her down

" ignore her she's in her mean roasting mood " Tobin says flicking my forehead and I glare at her

" I'm cool " Kelley says pouting jokingly and hope rubs her back

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