Chapter 13

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Chase's POV

"So you're leaving Seattle this May?" I probed, disappointed to hear she'd be moving so soon. My small world had just found its light and now she was going away taking her sparkle with her.

Bethany nodded and then dug determinately into her strawberry cheesecake sundae, hunting for little swirls of strawberry goodness hidden beneath the whipped cream. "Yeah, I'm going to perform with the Pennsylvania Ballet. I'm so excited. I've been dreaming of this my whole life!" she exclaimed with unabashed enthusiasm.

Bethany screamed radiance and despite my longing to capture her joy and keep her here with me, I smiled. "That's great. I'm really happy for you." As the Reese's peanut butter cup swirls passed my tongue I nearly choked when I thought about how empty the university stage would be without her on it.

Not wanting to let her news sour the mood, I picked up my spoon and flicked a small dab of whipped cream in her direction. When it landed on her nose with a silent plunk, I laughed as her eyes widened like sauces.

"Oh no you did not, Chase!"

I expected her to wipe her nose demurely and be done with it, but to my surprise and delight, she whizzed her cheesecake crumbs right back at me. Ducking for cover, I scoffed at her attempt to hit me.

"You missed! I can't believe you missed when you're only sitting 2 feet-"

My exclamation cut off, I swallowed the rest of my retort as I cleared her next attempt, a direct hit!, from my eyelids. Hearing her gasp in surprise, I looked at her incredulously. Before I could retaliate, though, she surprised me again by pelting me with her maraschino cherry. Giggling, she rose from the table and raced out the door and into the bright sun. Tossing some loose bills on the table for the waitress, I dashed outside after Bethany to find her cooing at the feet of a massive pit bull.

Caught up short, I stopped in place to observe her. The dog was licking remnants of the whipped cream from her nose and Bethany was thrilled. "Oh my gosh, she's beautiful, George! I can't believe Jones caved."

"Me neither, but I love her."

Obviously a friend of Bethany's, George reached forward and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, Chase."

Extending my own hand, I captured his in a strong grip and was surprised to feel its constricting embrace before he pulled me closer to whisper, "Take good care of her."

Standing from her squatting position, Bethany reached out to pet the dog one last time before they moved on. When she was finished, she reached up to rub off any lingering dog slobber from her nose. Grinning, she reached into her pocket to produce some tissues.

"Come here, Chase."

My eyes having trailed off towards George, I didn't realize what Bethany was about until she was leaning forward to clean some ice cream out of my bangs.

"There. All clean," she said with a sigh at my distracted stance.

"Come on," she cheered with added effort and, looping her arm through mine, moved to walk on. "Let's go to the park."

Glancing back towards George and the dog, I noticed they had stopped a half a block down for a smoke. Staring our way, George hadn't taken his eyes from either of us.

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