Chapter 17

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"Do you think he'll ever realize who you are?" George asked Jones.

"I hope not."

"You don't think you should tell him?"

"Chase's father gave the order to send in Noah to protect my son that night and it cost them their lives. But if Noah hadn't of been there, Robert would have been killed. Miles' uncle might have gotten away with his shit for a little while, but the minute Miles made his move on Chase I knew it was time to act. I might not have been in a good position to take my revenge back then, but I'm glad I am now.

It was my turn to protect Chase like I couldn't protect his father, or Bethany's brother, all those months ago.

Either way, Miles is where he belongs; in the ground with his uncle, and cousin Cassidy. And Bethany and Chase are now safe and out of this life. I've fulfilled my promise to Noah, and to Chase's father, my best friend."


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