Chapter 15

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Bethany's POV

"Just take the ticket, Bethany," my mother pleaded from the dry grass of our ill-kept front lawn. "It's your only chance. Grab this opportunity with both hands and don't let go."

"I can't leave," I cried out to her. "He's in the hospital because of me."

"He'll be fine," she replied worrying her nails at their bed. "It's you who won't be if you stay!"

"But mom-" I tried to reason.

"No buts! Take this ticket, get in the car and Go!


Shoving my shoulders down, my mom pushed me through the backseat door-jam and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "I love you, Bethany. Get out of this world. You don't belong here. You belong up on that stage in Philadelphia, shining for all the world to see. I love you. Never forget that."

Before I could respond, she slammed my door shut. The driver peeled away from the curb before I could even brace myself and I ended up banging my head on the rest. Accelerating from the only home I'd ever known, I was off to the East Coast, a few weeks early but with an apartment already established on my behalf. My college professors had all agreed to let me finish my courses on-line, though I shuddered to think what strings Jones' had pulled to have that set up.

Praying that Chase would be ok and lamenting the loss of what had only just begun, I folded my hands in my lap and tried to focus on what my future would bring. I hated walking away from him like this, but I had no choice. The present was a train-wreck and my past even worse. I had never done anything wrong but the sins of my family revisited me daily here in Washington.

I had to hope that my future in Pennsylvania would be better.

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