The Young Boy, Chosen And Looks

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*~Y/n POV~*

Its officially been about 2 months since I've started to live in my apartment house thing. They said I would be living in a apartment and they would pay for it every time rent is required, not that I'm complaining but...

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I got in my normal clothes..

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And black shorts with a white belt

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And black shorts with a white belt. Due to my fragile yet feminine body, they make me wear this but I'm used to this, and it comfy. Then I put on my necklace...

hen I just started watching my favorite anime on my couch, black butler

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hen I just started watching my favorite anime on my couch, black butler.

I was rewatching season 1 but then after episode 1 the TV went to static. "Oh come on... Please work" I said the I got up and shook the TV. Then a white hand grabbed me and pulled me into the TV. I felt my body get warmer and lighter, however,  I was unable to open my eyes. "A humanoid Gem? How will this work?" Said a female voice. "He knows this worlds timeline inside and out... He can do it, even though somethings my be more different but it will be worth it." Said a male voice. "If we change him into one of us, there could be major consequences,  especially with that ang- I shouldn't say it."." Come one it's not like neither of us would to it"."fine...  Good luck (y/n)"

Then instead of my eyes closed and seeing black. My eyes we're open and seeing nothing but white. Then I blinked an I was in a alley way. It looked like it was 11 in the morning. I got curious and started to walk around. I noticed people giving strange looks so I decided walking on the ground was a bad idea so I went to an alley and got on top of a building. Don't ask me how. And started jumping roof to roof. I think people saw me jumping on roofs because that's when I heard someone shout at me. "In the name of the queen, get off of the roofs" I looked behind me and I saw someone that looks like Fred Abberline trying to follow me by running. "All I have to say is good luck catching me!". Then I started full blown running instead of jogging. Then after awhile I final jumped down the building and into an alley way.

That's when I caught a glimpse of the mansion that held the captured Ciel with guards outside with guns, look like Sebastian didn't come yet. So I pounced at the opportunity. I went to the side of the building and climbed up the side in till I got to the 2 floor window. Oh... I just realized why people called me spider, that actually makes sense now... I thought to myself. I claimed through the window and the Hall had 2 guards blocking the door Ciel was in. I snuck up to both guards and nocked them out the grabbed both of there guns and started listening.It sounded like Azzurro was talking to Sebastian then after a minute he finished.

Then it sounded like Ciel started mocking him then got kicked.  I can't stay ideally by and witness this in person. I'm going to regret this... I thought to myself then bursted the doors opened and shot Azzurro in the arm before he could react then shot the paintings a lot because I knew people were back there and now they were either extremely hurt or dead. Then started to free Ciel from what I believe was belts "who are you and why are you saving me?". Then I finished getting him out of his bonds then helped him up. " I guess you could call me an Ally. ". Then he rose an eyebrow on by answer. Azzurro tried to get up while griping his arm but I nocked him down with my foot and aimed both guns at his head.

That's when I heard Sebastian in the dining room. Then he enters the room with a deer on his head. Seeing this made me gag.  "Well, looks like I have to go." Then I thew the guns at Sebastian and he caught them with ease. "Ciao, hopefully we'll see each other again. By the way, for the question you asked earlier, my name is (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/N)" Then I jump out the window and before hitting the ground, I fell through my TV and onto the ground of my living room. And I felt my head crack on impact. "What the hell...?" I asked myself. "Hopefully I can go back there tomorrow... Im going to bed." Then I went to my bed room.

"I wonder what the angels will think of him?" A familiar female voice said

The Chosen For Black Butler(Black Butler x Modern Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now