Dangerous turn

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So far so good. Dares are not too bad and the group is really bonding. Lots of truth being told and the team is laughing a lot. Keith is starting to relax when Kinkade throws out a dare to Griffin.

"I dare you to look into Pidge's eyes for 5 minutes." He winks at Griffin and Griffin turns red but has smile on his face.

Griffin looks across the fire to Pidge, "Do you mind? I won't do it if you don't want to."

Keith feels his food in his stomach turn to lead. It's not a kiss and he knows he has no rights where Pidge is concerned. But all the same, he wants to smash Kinkade's face in and poke out Griffin's eyes which he is pretty sure is not typical behavior of a leader. In fact he knows it is not. He trains his eyes on Pidge, trying his damnest to read her mind.

Pidge's eyes are round, pushing her glasses up, she finds herself looking across at James. "Um... sure?"

James jumps up from his spot around the fire to quickly move towards her. He holds out his hand for hers and Pidge finds herself taking it. He pulls her up and draws her close. Her heart is beating a little fast because she feels super awkward. She knows Keith, <head shake> everyone is looking at them. Thinking quickly, she doesn't believe she's ever stared into someone's eyes for that long of time. Computer yes...people no. At least she doesn't have to talk.

Lance's gaze is jumping from Griffin and Pidge to Keith. Finally he jumps up and says, "Hey, he just said look, not touch! Hands off buddy boy!"He sends a quick frown to Keith. What the hell is up with Keith, is he not going to intervene? Ugh, he has to do everything!! He breaks Griffin's hold on Pidge's hand and backs up James. "Timer?"

Suddenly lightning flashes across the sky and the clouds seem so much more menacing than they were a few moments before. Suddenly it starts to just pour water down on them all! The slight breeze from earlier turns into a gusting wind that pretty much smothers the camp fire and even knocks some of the tents over. Everyone rapidly moves into action, each towards different items that need to be stabilized and collected.

As they are moving around, Keith freezes. He starts to listen intently, head cocked sideways. That's when Keith knows he hears a cry. A baby? A child? Is it an animal or human? A trick?

Keith looks around and Pidge is right in front of him, looking at him with concern in her amber eyes. "Did you hear that ?" Keith yells.

James says "NO! I can't hear anything!!"

Keith replies, "No, I heard crying. I could be someone in trouble. We need to spread out!"

James retorts, "You're crazy! It's the wind! We need to focus on camp."

Pidge shakes her head immediately and replies, "Keith has better hearing due to his Galra side. We need to spread out and see if we can find anything!"

Lance and Veronica agree. Lance shouts, "Even if it's only a chance! We need to look!"

Everyone starts to look around and move. Keith starts north with Pidge at his side. The wind is wicked strong and he holds onto her arm. They start calling out, yelling, "Where are you? Do you need help?"

Keith is pretty much directing them at this point because he can determine where the sound is coming from. He keeps an arm on Pidge though because he doesn't want to lose her and the wind is so loud that he's having a hard time distinguishing sounds.

They reach a stream where with the sudden rain, the water currently is moving like a rapids. It must be coming from the mountain area but the stream or creek is moving dangerously fast and looks more like a river! Both look at the water and are looking around still yelling when they spot a kid holding onto a rock on the opposite shore. No adult in sight!

Katie Holt, I presume Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin