Lizzy's pov

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Thank you for all of the view and support for the people that have stuck around!!!!! If anyone wants to comment what character they want for the 1k special then go ahead. But if not I will most likely do the most viewed character or with most likes!!

I could not handle all of this information coming all at me at once. First I find out that Sebastian, Ciel's butler was a demon but that Ciel has a contact with him. And now it's really bothering me. Ciel is my betrothed and I love him dearly (incest is not ok lol) but hopefully I will find out more about everything that's happening and what this contract is with Ciel and Sebastian.

But changing the subject, our host, that I might add is absolutely adorable, is very kind!!! Hopefully we can get along. Her sleep attire is super cute!!! I just wish it would've been pink! I must know where she got it so I can get one for myself! Oooo, and maybe I can get Ciel one so we can be matching!!!!!! Not to mention that he would look absolutely adorable in it!!

But her uncle, Bob on the other hand..... his attire made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I mean who where that to bed?? I don't know anybody else that wears anything of the sort to bed.

My face is a cherry red. I'm sleeping in the same room as Ciel!!!! Never in a million years would I have thought I would be sleeping in the same room as Ciel!!!

Hopefully tomorrow everything will be explained. But until then I should get some rest. As I thought this, I slowly started to drift off into a peaceful slumber...

Thank you for everyone that has stuck around till this point!!!!

Bye bye peeps!!

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