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"hey, betty. come to pop's when you get this, i'm already here. i need to tell you something, it's really important." archie said before ending his voicemail.

he sat in a booth anxiously tapping the table. he watched a couple walk in, and out of the small diner before betty waltzed in, radiating happiness and innocent bliss. how was he supposed to ruin that?

"hey, arch. so, what's up?" she slid next to him in the booth, the smile still present on her face.

"um, i- well-, it's just-"

"it's okay, arch take your time." she said as she placed her hand on his.

"josie asked me out, and i said yes." betty's face fell as she removed her hand.

"oh, good for you." betty bit the inside of her cheek as she looked down, trying to hold back tears.

"there's nothing serious about it, it's just one date. i just want to see if it can go anywhere since you're still trying to figure things out. im still waiting for you, it's just- i'm sorry." archie's head and heart both pounded as he looked at betty.

"don't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong. we're just friends, remember." archie heart cracked with betty's voice cracked as she spoke.

"i think i'm going to go." she said as she stood up from the booth. the bell rang as she pushed the door open, and tried to subtly dry her tears.

she walked as fast as she could without breaking into a sprint. where? she wasn't really sure. all she knew was she had to get away from pops, away from archie, and away from the things she was feeling. she was so focused on not crying she smacked right into someone, causing their papers to fly everywhere.

"oh my god, i'm sorry." she said as she bent down to help pick them up.

"don't worry about it." a deep voice said causing her to look up.

her eyes met another pair. they were dark and held no fear, but at the same time alluring and soft. the eyes belonged to a tall, unfamiliar boy. his hair was dark like his eyes, and his skin was a bit fair. there was no doubt in betty's mind that he was insanely attractive.

"lucas." he said as he stuck his hand out for her to shake.


"i know," betty twisted her face in confusion, and the boy's calm expression changed to panic. "oh god that sounded so creepy, didn't it?"

"maybe, a little." betty smiled.

"i just meant i've seen you around school. yesterday was my first day, and you're kind of hard to miss." he rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

"thanks," a blush rose across betty's cheeks, "um well i was kind of on my way somewhere, but i'll uh see you around."

"i hope so."
"betty!" archie called as he ran out of the diner. she was too far ahead to hear him, or she chose to ignore him, but he kept running after her anyway.

he only stopped once he saw her talking to a boy he didn't know, which was unusual for riverdale. everyone knew everyone.

he looked on warily. he hated the feeling of jealousy, and he had every right to feel that way. they kept saying they were just friends, but archie knew they were more, and so did betty. after their kiss, there was no way they could just be friends.

his stomach flipped, and he felt like puking. was this how betty felt when he said he was going out with josie.

he turned around with a heavy heart, and kept his head down. in the back of his mind he knew he should go after her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
the next morning betty walked tiredly into school. she'd barely gotten any sleep last night, her nightmares had been endless. she wasn't up for dealing with anyone at the moment, so when archie came running down the hallway towards her she mentally groaned.

"betty, i'm really sorry. if you don't want me going out with josie i'll cancel it right now." he said quickly.

"don't cancel." betty said as she began to walk again, archie tagging along beside her.

"what?" archie was confused. betty had always confused him.

"look, of course i want you to cancel, but you can't. i don't have any right to be mad at you. i'm the one who said we were just friends, so if you want to see where things go with josie go ahead." betty avoided meeting his eyes. she knew if she did she'd go back on what she was saying, and ask him to end things with josie on the spot.

"so, you're not upset with me?" archie asked.

"of course i'm upset," betty finally looked at him, "but it doesn't matter."

"it matters to me. betty, i want to be with you. i want you, and i know you want me too. so, why are we doing this to ourselves? why can't we just be together?" archie grabbed her hand, and intertwined their fingers.

"we need to think about other people. it would mess things up, archie." she looked up at him with teary eyes.

"who cares, fuck them. fuck anyone who wouldn't be 100% supportive of us." archie squeezed her hand.

"i'm sorry archie, i just can't. we should probably keep our distance for awhile, you know until things calm down." betty used her free hand to wipe a fallen tear from her cheek.

"no, betty please don't do this." archie begged.

"it's not forever, just until i can be around you without feeling what i feel now." she took a shuddery breath.

"well what about me? my feelings aren't just going to disappear."

"i'm sorry, arch. just promise me that you'll treat josie well, and take care of yourself." betty slowly pulled her hand from his.

she began walking away, but before she could get far he spun her around by her arm and pulled her into a hug.

"you have to promise me something too." he whispered in her ear.

"what is it?" she asked.

"promise me you'll remember..."

"remember what, arch?" she whispered.

"remember i love you, remember that i'm in love with you."

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