twenty six

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betty turned her head, and was greeted with a knowing smirk.

"lucas, what are you doing here?" betty asked nervously.

"i asked you first." he said as betty turned back to her computer screen, clicking open a new browser.

"we're just trying to get a jump start on studying for mr caldwell's test." the excuse rolled off her tongue flawlessly.

archie nodded along in agreement, but lucas looked at the two suspiciously.

"that's on over two weeks."

"like betty said, jump start." archie said blandly, obviously wanting to end this conversation as quick as possible. however, he knew that wasn't going to happen when lucas reached behind him, and pulled up a chair.

"cool, do you mind if i join you?" there was a mischievous grin on his face, and archie audibly sighed.

"well you already pulled up a chair, so why the hell not." he mumbled.

"what was that archie?" lucas asked, causing archie to lift his head up.

betty gave the redhead a warning look, that let him know he needed to be nice.

"i was just wondering, where'd you move from?" archie stared at him challengingly.


"and why'd you move?" betty added onto the interrogation.

"i already told you, i wanted a fresh start."

"yeah, but there had to be that one final push. what was it?" betty pressed on.

lucas sighed, "well i guess there was something. my family, there was a fire, both my parents and my sister died, and my brother's still trying to recover. he's in a mental health institution, ptsd."

"damn, man. i'm sorry." archie looked like he was trying to be unsympathetic, but that wasn't one of his strong suits.

"i'm used to it by now, but i should probably go study. you two have fun." he bid them goodbye before starting to make his way to the back of the building.

"wait a minute," betty called out to lucas as she was shushed by the librarian, "what did you say your last name was? i think it slipped my mind."

"tell- i mean, uh evans." he looked around nervously, before nodding his head and scurrying off.

"i know what to do." betty's fingers flew to the keyboard.

"what? how?" archie was mystified.

"a month or two ago i heard about a fire in greendale. it was terrible. the parents died, so did one of the kids, and one was left physically and mentally messed up. but one of the kids managed to get out. here it is." she said as she pulled up a website.

"telling! that's what he was about to say when i asked his last name." betty said excitedly, ignoring the shh from the gladys yet again.

"the telling family fire, a tragedy in greendale," archie read the article name, "oh yeah, i remember this. it was all over the news, how could we not recognize lucas?"

"they kept the survivor's identity a secret, because foul play was suspected. it says here that the surviving kid, had a history of mental problems, and was put into foster care."

"so the survivor is lucas, and his last name is telling. well more information on his medical history would be in his file, right?" archie thought out loud.

"oh my god, his file that's a great idea." betty's enthusiasm disappeared quickly, "but that file is locked up in weatherbee's office."

"well, you know how to pick locks. so that shouldn't be much of a problem." archie stops from his chair.

"okay, we'll go tonight. we've got to find that file." betty said as the two walked out of the library.
betty tapped her fingers anxiously on her leg as they pulled up to the school. she obviously didn't want to break into the principals office, but they had to.

without that file they didn't have proof, and without proof lucas walked around riverdale freely.

they hopped out of the car, and ran to the front door. betty pulled a bobby pin out of her hair, and jammed it in the lock. she wiggled it around until the door clicked, and she was able to push it open.

"you ready?" archie asked as he entered the building.

"let's get that damn file." she said.

a/n - i'm so so so sorry this took so long!! i've been swamped with shit lately. again i'm so sorry. thank y'all for sticking w this story.

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