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[1 year later]

Taehyung smiles against Jungkooks chest.

This was the twos first photo shoot together after coming out.

They took cute pictures together and posted them on Taehyungs insta with the caption,'Hanging out with Bae.'

Of course people in the comments went crazy, but the huge relief was that most of the comments were positive.

Jungkook steals a peck from Taehyung who giggles and the photographer smiles.

"You two are so adorable.." She says, putting her two fingers into a heart.

Taehyung just shrugs and Jungkook blushes. "T-Thank you.." Jungkook plays with his fingers and looks at Taehyung through his round framed glasses.



"I love you.. like so f-fucking much
y-you don't even know..."

Taehyung blushes furiously, taken back by Jungkooks comment. "Are you supposed to be cute while you're swearing because you.. managed it somehow.."

Jungkook giggles and the two boys brush noses from how close they are together now.

There's a click of the camera and the photographer says,"okay, done!"

The rest of the day Jungkook and Taehyung go out to get ice cream, and Taehyung stops at the Gucci store on the way home.

However, this time is different, because Taehyung doesn't buy anything for himself.

He buys a cute handbag for Jungkook who smiles and blushes. "T-Tae.. that's s-so much money.."

Taehyung shrugs and kisses Jungkooks cheek. "So baby? You deserve all of my money but I need that don't I."

Jungkook smiles and Taehyung also buys him a lollipop at the candy store across the street.

"Taehyung.. why're you buying me so much stuff?!" Jungkook muffles through the pile of stuff in his arms.

Taehyung smiles and pats Jungkooks head, pulling him close by the waist.

"Because.. you're special.."

Jungkook blushes once more.


"Shh.. save it for home. We have to get to Hollister. I heard they have a new croptop that would look cute on you..."

Jungkook smiles, licking the lollipop he had in his hand cutely while Taehyung led him through stores.

Taehyung suddenly stopped walking and looked at Jungkook. "I have to be honest with you.. Jungkook.. the reason is that.. well,"

"I was hired to be a backup dancer for a famous singer and.. I wanted to treat you nicely because I'll get paid a lot of money, babe."

Jungkook squeals, "..you're so nice I love you so much oh my gosh.."

Jungkook kisses his cheek and then they're off as the sun sets, walking wherever else Taehyung wants to take them.

AN: this might be the end unless I choose to update. This book is almost at 1k!!! Omgmgmg

A Simple Hello - A Taekook snapchat storyWhere stories live. Discover now