seven (edited)

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g e m m a ' s
p o i n t
o f
v i e w . . .

"of course i love her! how could you ask me that?" he exclaims. "how do you know?" i ask him sternly. "because i just do! i want her to be happy! everything we've done was to make her happy and... i can't believe you brought her here gemma!"

to say that harry is outraged with my decision to bring her (after him specifically telling me not to) is an understatement. "you want her to be happy harry. nothing is working. she's miserable."

his eyes go from angry to sad with a flash. "do you know why i had to hang up so fast harry? she was having an anxiety attack. nothing is working. not the pottery, not the dinners, not me moving in, not the movies, nothing harry."

"she's having anxiety attacks?" he asks me, fear rolling up into his eyes. "it's bad harry. worse than you expected it to be. i'm taking care of her just like you asked. nothing works because nothing is you, harry. she's lost without you."

"i don't know what to do anymore!" he admits. "she's miserable harry. i know you thought making her forget would make it hurt less but she's destroyed! i hate to admit it but she's hardly even a person anymore."

his face has gone red by now, his eyes were watering and his lip (which he was chewing on) was redder than before. "you need to undo whatever the hell you did." i say, placing a hand on his arm.

"it was never supposed to go this badly. she's the witch. i can't undo anything." he says sadly. "there's one more thing we can try." i start. he perks up and looks at me curiously.

"promise you won't be upset with me." i state. he slowly nods and i go on. "i need you to get her to fall in love with you again." "what?!"

b e a t r i c e ' s
p o i n t
o f
v i e w . . .

gemma came back with a smile on her face after fans had piled into the room. it was smaller than i expected, apparently it wasn't a regular concert, it was a performance for BBC radio one.

when harry came on stage my heart was beating out of my chest. "is he upset that i'm here?" i ask gemma. "no! not at all. just stupid sibling drama that's all." she re-assures me. my witch intuition does not like the sound of that.

as soon as harry got close enough and the music started his eyes met mind. in fact, throughout the whole performance there was hardly a time where they weren't on me or pointed in my direction. what's up with his fascination with me? maybe he just wants to see if i'm gonna be a good fit for gemma as a roommate.

as he sang the words of his songs everything melted away with his voice. for the first time in almost two years the whole in my heart was filled. i could feel things. my adrenaline was going insane, i was giddy. i also was nervous about meeting him. i'm now capable of having a crush!

and as stupid as it sounds i also discovered my capability to feel jealousy when it was clear that his songs were about other girls. don't be ridiculous. it's not like they'd be about you. you've never even met him. you're so dramatic beatrice i tell myself in my head.

that was until now. some of the songs sound... familiar. not in a sense that i've heard them before, but the stories he tells with the lyrics. it started with ever since new york, and it didn't help that he was looking at me while he sang it.

then it was sweet creature and sign of the times. why though? why do the lyrics find themselves weaving their way into the empty creases in my memory? and why is he looking at me like that?!

(686 words)

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