eight (edited)

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by the time the show ended i was overwhelmed with emotions i was no longer used to feeling. right now, as gemma is pulling me past security go get to harry's dressing room, the most powerful feeling i'm getting is fear.

we are currently in a hallway filled with security and people who looked like they knew where they were going. clearly i don't fit in. i'm fully convinced that my heart has stopped beating now that gemma is opening the door to the room harry was assigned.

"good show!" gemma exclaims, approaching harry, leaving me to stand near the door. "thanks, glad you liked it." replies, hugging her. "you must be beatrice." he says, smiling at me and holding out his hand.

despite his smile there was another unreadable emotion hidden behind his eyes. i stuck out my hand and shook his anyways, only to be shocked, literally.

not just a regular 'there's weird electricity in the air' shock, but the shock that two witches get when they touch for the first time, or two people with/effected by magic (currently under a spell).

clearly he felt it too because when our hands vibrated his eyes snapped up to mine. "yeah, most people just call me-" "-bea. yeah." he interrupts. "great show." i tell him, my hand still in his. "yeah?" "yeah. made me feel some things i haven't felt in a while." i admit.

"good things i hope." he says. "better than i'm used to these days." i say, looking into his eyes trying to read him unsuccessfully. "so uh, bea, i was wondering...well, we were wondering if harry could stay with us for a little bit. a few days, maybe a few weeks..." gemma starts as harry slowly caresses my hand while he pulls his out of mine.

"sure, no problem. i don't know where you're expecting to sleep though. the pull out couch sucks if i'm being honest." i admit. "s'no problem really. i'll survive." he tells me. "maybe i can pop down to the shops and get a mattress topper to put over it." i suggest.

"tha's okay really, i'll be fine." he confirms. "look. you don't know how bad it is. i don't want you to insist i don't get a mattress topper and then regret it once you lay down for the first time." i say smiling. "it's no problem for me, i should probably get out more often anyways." i add.

"alright. sounds good." he concludes. "look at you, wanting to be all productive and stuff." gemma says, nudging my arm. i roll my eyes and smile, turning my head so harry doesn't see the redness of my cheeks.

"maybe you'd like some company too." gemma suggests. "since when do you have time to come to the shops with me?" i question, amused. "i wasn't suggesting me." she replies cheekily, making harry chuckle awkwardly.

"i'm sure you have no interest in following me around while i try to get out of my messy head but you're very welcome to." i tell him. "are you free tomorrow?" he asks. "oh! he's eager!" gemma jokes. "i'm always free. it's depressing."

"except twice a week for pottery class with me." gemma corrects. "pottery?" harry asks. "yeah, i like the feeling of the clay on my hands. until it dries at least. then it's quite the nuisance." i tell him. "are walk-ins allowed?" he asks.

"you wanna come to our old lady pottery class?" i ask, surprised. "don't underestimate me beatrice. never underestimate harry styles." "how cocky of you." gemma says. "i'll allow it." i joke. "so are we on?" he asks. "we're on. wednesday night."

(612 words)

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