nine (edited)

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when meeting harry a switch went off somewhere in my chest, filling my stomach with butterflies. although it sounds completely ridiculous, i have fallen in love with him.

i know that it's not a 'love at first sight' phenomenon because it didn't blossom when i saw him. it was almost as if it had always been there, and i just never noticed, despite us never meeting before.

how is it possible for me to feel so much love for someone i hardly know? i have no idea. it puzzles me more than it could ever puzzle someone else, but what i do know, is that right now, his bright green eyes are peering back at me, leaning against the wall of the hallway as i make his bed on the couch.

"sorry, didn't mean to spy. jus' got done putting some stuff in the bathroom." he tells me. "no problem. spy on me all you want." i tell him, tucking the sheets in. "you don't have to do that, it's okay." he tells me.

"i know i don't have to, but i'm going to if that's alright." i reply, just now taking in the fact that harry styles is temporarily living in my apartment and is currently shirtless, the only thing on his body being a pair of black sweats hanging low on his hips.

"what's the real reason you're staying here harry? we all know you can afford a hotel room or even to buy a house just so you can live in it for a few days so why? did gemma tell you i have a crush on you or something? is this some sorta intervention?" i question, keeping my gaze on the blanket i'm laying over the bed.

"you have a crush on me?" he asks amused. "who doesn't." i state, organizing the pillows. "well, if you must know, i need a break from it all. as silly as it sounds, the fancy hotels and the high fashion lifestyle gets tiring sometimes. i'm just in the mood to be normal for a bit, so why not stay with my normal sister?" he explains.

"what's the real reason gemma moved in with me?" i ask. "real reason?" he questions. "i already know that it wasn't for the reason she told me so what did she tell you?" i ask again. "i suggested it. sure, it would be easier on her wallet to have a roommate, but i thought it would be good for the both of you. from what she told me, you two seem to thrive together." he tells me.

my witches instinct was on fire by now. he was telling the truth, but there were holes in it. "i'm gonna get a glass of water, want one?" i ask. "sure." he says, walking out of the hallway and into the kitchen beside him with me. after filling up our cups out hands touched while i handed him the glass, sending the shock waves through my body again.

"harry... are you a-" "a witch? no." he interrupts. "so you know?" i ask him. "used to date one." he admits. "well if you're not a witch then why do i get shocked whenever we touch?" i ask. "because, she put a protection spell on me. i have magic in my blood." he explains.

"i'm glad you can stay here with us. not just because it means you get a break, or because you get to see gemma, or because of my massive crush on you, but because it's comforting having someone around who knows about my magic again."

"was there someone before?" he asks. "i don't remember." i admit, looking at the floor. "the doctors said it must've been a head injury. i've got a lot of holes in my memory. it's pretty daunting." i add.

"what about your guardian witch? do you have one? does she fill in some of the missing bits for you?" he asks. "no, she just tells me a bunch of gibberish about how i forgot it for a reason and how life presents us with challenges and blah blah blah. clarise isn't too fond of providing straight answers." i joke.

"i'm sorry." he tells me. "for what?" i ask. "i don't know." he responds, but my witches intuition knew that he did.

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