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g e m m a ' s
p o i n t
o f
v i e w

when i got home and called out for bea i got no response, so instead i'm heading to my room to set my things down. she's probably just gone out with harry.

as i set down my bag and took off my coat i notice a note on my bed with my name written on it. worry flashes in my eyes as i tear it open and begin reading what beatrice wrote.

magic is scary, and every mystery potion could be fatal if done improperly, luckily i'm mostly sure i've figured this one out.

i asked clarice for a sign... she told me the answer to my heartbreak was in the box, but all that was in the box were just photos of harry and a bottle with the potion i've taken in it.

i tried desperately to ask harry for an explanation, perhaps he could give me the answer so i didn't have to risk it and take the potion. he had no idea the potion was in the box.

when i pushed him further, it was almost as if he couldn't find the words. he left. probably to see you, or maybe louis.

i can't keep living like this, i'm willing to take the risk. i need to take the potion. i can't live without it. i need to know why i woke up heartbroken and why it never went away. i need to remember everything missing.

i hope i can pull through this. cross your fingers for me will you? -bea.

panic spreads throughout my body as i rush to grab my phone and call harry, telling him everything that's happened, and finding beatrice laying unconscious with her heart stopped in bed.

he came home right away, his eyes we read and he looked like a mad man trashing her room looking for what turned out to be her spell book.

he snapped his fingers over it once before it snapped open. i remember when he told me she had cast a spell on the book for him for emergencies.

next thing i know, he's summoning clarice, begging for further explanation.

h a r r y ' s
p o i n t
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v i e w

according to clarice there are three possible outcomes. she's in some sort of magical coma, and in the coma she's getting to remember everything that she had forgotten.

at the end she gets to decide if she wants to wake up or not. if she decides to wake, she can either choose to wake up without the memories, or to wake with them.

it's been three days and she still hasn't made her decision. i've been laying next to her praying that she comes back, even if she doesn't remember us.

gemma hasn't gone into work the past few days. she said something about not wanting to leave me alone. i'm not alone though, i have bea, even if her heart isn't beating.

it's morning now, about ten thirty. gemma came in about half an hour ago trying to make sure that i understand that bea might not wake up. "she will, later. she never liked an early morning." i responded, keeping my eyes glued on bea.

after half an hour more of laying beside her and stroking her hair, her eyes suddenly bolted open and her mouth opened to gasp for air as she sat up in bed.

"you're okay!" i exclaim relieved. "you're okay bea, breathe. tha's it." i say, rubbing her back as she catches her breath.

"harry? she says, meeting my gaze. moment of truth. my heart stops beating as i watch her closely. "harry!" she exclaims, throwing herself onto me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"you remember?!" i ask astonished. "we were so stupid harry! i can't believe i took that potion!" she exclaims.

"you're never leaving me again okay?" i tell her, holding her face. she nods and kisses me. "never again." she agrees.

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