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as i wake up it normally takes me a few moments to gather myself and become fully conscious. first, i feel out my surroundings. today, my surroundings were warmer than they usually are.

then i start to regain feeling. i'm definitely not fond of this mattress. another thing that i can feel is someone's breath being drawn in and out right in front of my face. i can also feel that the pillow that my neck is on is in fact an arm, and there's a hand on the check that's pointed to the ceiling.

when my eyes first open they're hit with green. as i take in my surroundings i can see that harry is laying next to me, and we're so close that our noses are on the verge of touching. he's awake, and he's looking right back at me.

"hi." he says softly. normally i'd spaz our and jerk away like an idiot, but today i stayed put. "hi harry." i respond. i pondered asking him what time it was, but chances are that meant he'd have to pull away to check, i liked the feeling of his hand holding my cheek too much to risk it.

"sleep well?" i ask. "very. we should do this more often." he suggests. "okay." i say softly. instead of asking the time i asked something i knew he didn't have to move for. "did gemma leave for work already?" "yeah, 'bout and hour or so ago." he responds.

"does that mean you've been staring at me for an hour?" i say jokingly. he suddenly goes a bit red in the face and takes his head off of my cheek to cover his expression. i grab it and move it away before placing it back to where it was before.

his expression suddenly changes to one that i couldn't read well enough before he leaned in and kissed me. l kiss him back right away and all the discomfort in my heart momentarily disappeared.

"have we done that before?" i say, pulling away. "uh, no, why?" he asks me. "because we should've" i say with a small laugh. "agreed." he sighs. "wanna do it again?" he asks, breaking the silence. "definitely."

a few hours later once gemma had gotten home the pair of us got ready to head to pottery class together as harry sat in front of the t.v. "ready?" gemma asks as i approach her in the kitchen. "yeah, laters baby!" i say to harry as we head towards the door.

his face contorts and he pipes up. "you remember?" he asks with widened eyes. "huh?" i ask confused. "oh... i mean from the movie." he says sounding.... disappointed? "yeah, we watched it not too long before you came to stay." i admit.

as we make our way into a cab i recall watching it with gemma. "laters baby" i said at the same time as one of the characters. "have you seen it before?" gemma asks, turning away from the screen. truthfully i can't ever remember seeing the movie, and i have no idea why i know that line. "i can't remember."

h a r r y ' s
p o i n t
o f
v i e w

for a moment a bit of false home kicked in. "laters baby." she said before leaving, something we used to tell each other every day... as cheesy as it sounds i thought the kiss may have recovered the memories and she just didn't tell me, why else would she say that?

apparently not though, as gemma texts me saying that she only had her watch it to try and jog her memory before she had the idea to get us together.

i miss her. even though i'm living with her and sleeping next to her and cooking her breakfast, it feels like i'm holding an empty shell shaped like the girl i fell in love with. i wish more than anything that i could bring her back.

668 words

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