The Mark

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Sarafina's POV

We were allowed to go with mum, dad, and a couple of order member including Hagrid to Diagon Alley to get our supplies. We visited George and Fred's shop. Where Ginny and I both received a Pgymypuff each. She named her pink one Arnold while I named my purple one Cyper.

Ginny had to make sure Patchy knew that Arnold wasn't a toy. Though it was entertaining to see him chase Arnold around. Yuki wasn't phased by Cyper as she was used to small pets after living with a rat. So she knew not to chase Cyper or Arnold and scolded Patchy when she caught him doing it.

Harry has been trying to convince me to dump Draco as apparently he's a deatheater now. But I won't believe it until I hear it from Draco himself. So now Harry and I aren't talking to each other. Hermione told me how they followed Draco to Bargain and Burkes. Along with what they heard. Yes it sounds fishy, but Draco is my boyfriend and I love. No matter what.

Now it was time to go to Hogwarts and I'm all packed. Cyper on my shoulder while Yuki is in her carrier. Arnold on Ginny's shoulder while Patchy was in his carrier. He'd finally stopped chasing Arnold, but they did play together occasionally with Cyper. While Yuki watched them.

We took ministry cars again and there are aurors at the station. At least the ministry is taking security seriously now. We each went through the barrier with an auror each. I spot Draco and say goodbye to my parents before heading over to him.

"Draco" I say smiling and hug him tightly. He hugs me just as tightly as if I'd disappear if he let me go. We pulled away and he kissed me passionately. Before we boarded the train.

"Guard the door" he tells his mates before pulling me into a large compartment. He locked both doors and shut all the blinds.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him concerned. "You didn't write much over the holidays. How's your dad doing?" I ask.

"He's fine, as fine as he can be in Azkaban" he growls. "Sarafina when you said you love me, did you mean it?" he asks me. As we sit down.

"Of course, I love you with all my heart and nothing will ever change that. We may fight or have a disagreement. But it won't change my feelings for you ever" I tell him. I then see tears in his eyes. "Draco, what's wrong? What can I do?" I ask holding his face in my hands.

"There's nothing you can do now, I'll be branded always" he tells me sadly.

"Branded? You mean?" I ask looking at his left arm. "May I see it Draco?" I ask him and he nods his head. I roll up his suit sleeve and look at his dark mark. I then pull it down and hug him tightly. "That mark doesn't define you Draco, anything you do. I won't punish you for it, you aren't a bad person" I tell him.

"Thank you Sarafina, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that" he tells me.

"I have an idea" I tell him smiling as we pull away. I'll get a magical phoenix tattoo on my left forearm. That way you won't be the only one with a tattooed forearm. We'd match, but not match at the same time" I explain.

"Sounds great, but only it you're sure" he tells me.

"I am" I tell him smiling. We let his friends in and I lean on Draco as he wraps an arm around my waist. "So Blaise, how was your summer?" I ask him.

"Ok, mum got married again and he died a month ago" he says shrugging.

"Awe, she can't catch a break" I say frowning. "What about you Pansy?" I ask.

"It was ok, Theo took me out on a date and now we're dating" she says smiling.

"That's great" I tell her smiling. Just then a second year appeared and gave Blaise a letter. "Who's it from?" I ask along with Draco.

"An invitation from a Horace Slughorn, to join him and a few other students for lunch in compartment C" he states.

"Go and tell us what happens" Draco tells him. Blaise leaves and I roll my eyes. Just then Pansy spots Cyper and squeals.

"He's so cute" she states.

"He's a pgymypuff from my brothers' store in Diagon Alley, his name is Cyper" I tell her smiling. "I can get you one for your birthday, pink or purple?" I ask her.

"Pink girl please" she tells me and I nod my head.

(That night)

Blaise returned and had trouble closing the door, he ended up falling into Goyle's lap. I giggled while Pansy rolled her eyes. We watched amused as Goyle flung Blaise off him and slammed the door. "Zabini, what did Slughorn want?" Draco asks as Blaise returned to his seat.

"Just trying to make up to well-connected people, not that he managed to find many" Blaise mumbles.

"Who was there?" Draco demands.

"McLaggen from Gryffindor" Blaise says.

"That guy? He's a complete idiot" I state.

"But his father is big at the ministry" Draco tells me.

"Someone else called Belby, from Ravenclaw" Blaise adds.

"Not him, he's a prat!" Pansy exclaims.

"Longbottom, Potter, and your sister Sara" Blaise finishes.

"Why was Ginny there?" I ask curious. At the same time Draco asks about why Neville was invited.

"Something about a bat-boogey hex" he says shrugging and I smirk.

"I taught her that, she's my best student" I say proudly.

"Well, I pity Slughorn's taste. Maybe he's going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his" Draco states. "I can see Hogwarts, we better change into our robes" he adds.

Pansy and I go to the bathroom to change, leaving the boys in the compartment. We rejoined them as we arrived at the station and grab our trunks. "Coming Draco?" I ask when I see he hadn't moved from his seat.

"You go on, I just want to check something" he tells me. I nod my head and smile at him before leaving. I join my fellow Gryffindors in a carriage for the ride to the castle.

"So how is Malfoy?" Ginny asks me.

"He's ok, but misses his dad" I tell her and she nods her head. "I heard you were invited to lunch with the new professor. What's he like?" I ask her.

"Bit strange, I told him about you and he wants me to bring you next time" she states.

"Sure, as long as it does not interfere with my studies" I tell her. "Where's Harry?" I ask them and they shrug. We arrived at the school and go inside.


Picture above of Draco's dark mark and picture on the external link of Draco now.

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