Hufflepuff Vs Gryffindor

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Sarafina's POV

So turns out the reason Harry and Ron weren't at practice. Was because Ron ate out of date love potion soaked chocolates. Harry took him to Slughorn, who cured him. But Ron then drank poisoned mead and Harry saved him by shaving a bezoar down his throat. Now Ron is in the hospital wing recovering and it's time for our match against Hufflepuff. Cormac is playing as keeper for the match. On the bright side Ron broke up with Lavender and Harry started dating Ginny. And I couldn't be happier for them.

Anyway it's time for the match and Ginny will call the plays for the chasers. We're all in the changing rooms waiting for Harry. He finally arrives. "Where have you been?" Ginny and I demand.

"I met Malfoy" he tells us quietly.

"Not fighting with him are you?" I ask him.

"No, I wanted to know how come he's up at the castle with a couple of girlfriends while everyone else is down here" he states.

"You mean Crista and Gertle? They are Crabbe and Goyle's cousins" I tell him. "They transferred here and he is showing them around as a prefect. As they are in Slytherin" I explain. "Now that you know, lets get onto the pitch" I announce as we all head outside.

There is little wind; the clouds were patchy; every now and then there were dazzling flashes of bright sunlight. "Tricky conditions" McGlaggen says and I roll my eyes. Not really. "Coote, Peakes, you'll want to fly out of the sun, so they don't see you coming" he says.

"I'm captain here McGlaggen, stop giving instructions and get up to the goal posts" Harry tells him. McGlaggen leaves in a huff.

"He's not wrong Harry" I tell him.

"Fly out of the sun" he grumbles to the beaters. He shook hands with the Hufflepuff Captain. Madame Hooch blows her whistle and we take off. Smith gets the quaffle first. I slam into him and he drops the quaffle. Ginny catches it and zooms to the hufflepuff goal post. Her and Demelza pass it between each other to keep it away from Hufflepuff.

But when Demelza tosses back to Ginny Cadwallader intercepts it. I hear McGlaggen yelling at my sister and glare him. He wasn't paying attention and Cadwallader scores. "McLaggen, will you pay attention to what you're supposed to be doing and leave everyone else alone!" I shout.

"You're not setting a good example and neither is Harry" he shouts back.

"If you let another goal in because you're not doing your job. Then you'll never play for this team again" I sneer and steal the quaffle. I toss it to Demelza who scores and Ginny scores shortly after. But Cadwallader scores again making us even.

"Seventy - Forty to hufflepuff" McGonagall barks into Luna's mega phone about half way through the match.

"Oh, look! The Gryffindor Keeper's got hold of one of the Beater's bats" Luna says. I groan, he has been a pain all game. I spin around after passing the quaffle to Ginny. Sure enough, McLaggen, for reasons best known to himself, had pulled Peakes's bat from him and appeared to be demonstrating how to hit a Bludger toward an oncoming Cadwallader.

"Will you give him back his bat and get back to the goal posts!" Harry roars at him. Pelting toward McLaggen just as McLaggen took a ferocious swipe at the Bludger and mishit it. It hits Harry knocking him out.

"Impedimenta!" I shout pointing my wand at a falling Harry. It hits him and he slows down. I lower him to the ground safely. But the Hufflepuff seeker catches the snitch and we lose. "McGlaggen, you are off this team permanently. If I see you anywhere near training I'll have you in detention" I tell him hotly.

"You can't kick me off or give me detention" he states.

"I can kick you off as captain with Harry unconscious and I can give you detention as Dumbledore's assistant. So don't push it, now report to McGonagall" I order and he storms off.

"Well done Fina, though I wish you had let me hex him" Ginny tells me.

"Then you'd be in trouble" I tell her. "Lets get Harry to the hospital wing" I tell the team. We take Harry there and discover he has a cracked skull. He'd have to spend the night in the hospital wing. Otherwise he should make a complete recovery. I then sneak off to see Draco in the room of requirement.

"Hi Sara, did you win?" he asks me.

"No, it was a complete fiasco" I tell him. Then rant about McGlaggen. "Honestly, Harry should of never let him be our substitute to begin with" I finish.

"I'm sure McGonagall is punishing him" he assures him. "What you need it to relax and focus on the next match" he tells me.

"Katie should be back by then, apparently she is doing well at Saint Mungo's" I tell him. "Anyway I have to go see Ron, I've hardly seen him all week" I state.

"Ok, see you at dinner" he says and I kiss him. I leave and go to hospital wing. But I freeze when I see Dobby and Kreacher disappear. Why would they be in the hospital wing? I decide to go do homework with Hermione instead and see Ron later.


Picture above of Cormac McGlaggen.

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