Aragog's Funeral

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Sarafina's POV

Harry and Ron are both out of the hospital wing. Harry is having us train hard for our next match. So that we can still be in the running for the quidditch cup. But according to McGonagall Katie should be back in time for the next match. Which means I can retire from the team again. Ron is avoiding Lavender, who can't seem to get the hint that their relationship is over. Harry is still obsessed over my boyfriend. But he does not talk about it around me anymore. I only know, because Hermione tells me.

Anyway Harry still hasn't got the memory from Slughorn. Also this afternoon Hermione and Ron are going for their apparition tests. "You'll be fine" I assure them.

"Easy for you to say, you already passed" Ron grumbles and I roll my eyes. A girl comes over and hands Harry a small scroll.

"Dumbledore said we wouldn't be having any more lessons until I got the memory" Harry tells us confused.

"Maybe he wants to check on how you're doing" I suggest with Hermione. Harry unrolled the parchment and reads it out loud.

"Dear Harry, Ron, Sarafina, and Hermione!
Aragog died last night. Harry and Ron, you met him and you know how special he was.
Hermione and Sarafina, I know you both would have liked him.
It would mean a lot to me if you'd nip down for the burial later this evening.
I'm planning on doing it round dusk, that was his favorite time of day
I know you're not supposed to be out that late, but you can use the cloak.
Wouldn't ask, but I can't face it alone.
Hagrid" he hands it to Hermione. She looks at it with Ron.

"That thing told its mates to eat Harry and me! Told them to help themselves! And now Hagrid expects us to go down there and cry over its horrible hairy body" he says.

"Ron, Aragog was his oldest friend" I remind him.

"It's not just that" Hermione tells me. "He's asking us to leave the castle at night and he knows security's a million times tighter and how much trouble we'd be in if we were caught" she tells us.

"I'm sure we're experienced enough now not to get caught" I tell her. "Besides I have patrol tonight and will just take a break to give him my condolences" I state.

"Besides we gone to see him at night before" Harry reminds her.

"Yes" she says. I take the note and stare down at all the inky blotches all over it. Tears had clearly fallen thick and fast upon the parchment. "Look, Potions will be almost empty this afternoon, with us all off doing our tests. . . . Try and soften Slughorn up a bit then" she tells Harry changing the subject.

"Fifty fifth time lucky, you think?" he asks her bitterly.

"Actually fifty seventh time" I correct him and he groans.

"Harry, that's it - get lucky!" Ron yells at him.

"He's right, use your lucky potion" I tell him.

"Of course! Why didn't I think of it?" Hermione asks herself. "Have you used yours yet Sara?" she asks me.

"No, I'm saving it" I tell her.

"If I can't get Slughorn to talk this afternoon, I'll take some Felix and have another go this evening" Harry tells us.

"That's decided, then" Hermione says briskly. Getting to her feet and performing a graceful pirouette. "Destination . . . determina-tion . . . deliberation" she mutters.

"Oh, stop that" Ron begs her. "I feel sick enough as it is" he tells her. The bell rings Harry and I wish the other two luck. Before going to potions. When we arrive there are only two other students aside from us. Draco and Ernie.

"Hi Sarafina, how come you aren't at the test?" Draco asks me.

"I had mine on my birthday and passed" I tell him smiling.

"Wow, that's great" he says and kisses me.

"All too young to Apparate just yet?" Slughorn asks us.

"Already took mine and passed" I tell him.

"Why am I not surprised?" he says with a chuckle. "As we're so few, we'll do something for fun. I want you all to brew me up something amusing" he tells us. I think and decide to make a laughing potion. It'll definitely be amusing.

"Draco, lets work together" I tell him and he nods his head. I go get the ingredients while he sets up our work station. I return and we start to work together.

"So how is Katie doing?" he asks me.

"She should be back soon according to Professor McGonagall. Which means I won't have to play for the team anymore" I tell him. "And I can focus on that potion" I add smiling. He smirks wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I look forward to it's completion" he tells me. An hour and half later the potion is done.

"Well done you two, one of the finest laughing potions I've seen" Slughorn praises us. We smile and pack up. While he inspects Ernie and Harry's potions. I kiss Draco and return to the common room. Ron and Hermione returned in the late afternoon.

"Harry, Sara I passed!" Hermione cheers as soon as they enter the common room.

"Well done" we praise.

"What about you Ron?" I ask my twin.

"He, he just failed" Hermione whispers to us. ""It was really unlucky, a tiny thing, the examiner just spotted that he'd left half an eyebrow behind. . . How did it go with Slughorn?" she asks Harry changing the subject.

"No joy" Harry tells her. "Bad luck, mate, but you'll pass next time - we can take it together" he tells Ron.

"He's right Ron, remember Charlie had to take his test twice" I remind him.

"I forgot that, thanks Sara" he says with a smile. We all go down to dinner. Before the others return to the common room. I go on my patrol. I decide to patrol the grounds first and go to Hagrid's to give him my condolences.

"Oh Sarafina, thank you for coming" Hagrid says when he sees me.

"Can't stay long I'm afraid, I'm on duty" I tell him. "But I wanted to give you my condolences anyway" I add.

"Thank you for making time" he tells me.

"Whoa he was a big fella" I say looking at the dead spider.

"Aye, one of the biggest of his kind" he tells me proudly. "Will anyone else be visiting?" he asks me.

"Harry might be" I tell him. "Anyway I had best get back to patrol, take care of yourself" I state. Then leave to continue my patrol. When I enter the castle I'm pulled into a dark alcove and am kissed passionately. "What was that for?" I ask Draco smiling.

"Just giving you a proper congratulations for getting your license early" he tells me smiling. "I'm on patrol and thought we could patrol together" he states. I agree and we patrol together. Until our shift ends and he escorts me back to my dorm room. We kissed again before he left.


Gif above of Aragog's funeral.

Sarafina Weasley: Book SixHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin