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The morning of Thanksgiving started out busy.

You and Mikoto agreed on waking up early to start a heavy loaded dinner, and while you prepared a salad, a grumpy Fugaku (as always) dragged into the kitchen. He said nothing until he sat on the dinner table.

"So, long lost [Name]... Or should I call you [N! Name]?"

"Currently, it is legally [N! Name], but the first name change is in process as we speak," you explained, looking over your shoulder. "I'd prefer [Name]. Sorry to surprise you like this, Mr. Uchiha."

After that came the awkward, endless questioning about your whereabouts. Although Fugaku expressed his frustration about your search case being 'a pain in the ass' after changing your name—especially with Itachi pestering him about it—Fugaku ended up welcoming you back home with a pat on your shoulder as he walked past you to let you continue.

"I was also told about the engagement," Fugaku brought up halfway out the kitchen, pausing at the archway to look at you. "Only family calls me by my name, so start practicing on dropping the formalities."

You couldn't help but crack a smile and pictured yourself saluting him like a soldier. "Y-yes! Uh, Fugaku...sir."

It's still weird...

The dinner allowed your dad to connect with the Uchiha family again, minus the reminder of the tragic loss since Mikoto filled Fugaku after he'd gotten home late the night before. It was a typical dinner, and telling by the flow of conversation, nothing's changed.

While your gaze is busied elsewhere, Mikoto, Fugaku and your dad were busied by their own varieties of conversations: catching up, work and the major wedding arrangements. Itachi participated in the "grown-ups' conversation" while you glared across the table at your sister, who constantly peered at Sasuke every so often.

Oh hell no. The protective instinct switch started blinking on in your head. Sure, they were the same age, but no way in hell would this happen. Ever.

The moment they shared a glance, the protective switch flipped on in neon lights and stabbed your fork through the turkey leg on your plate. Not here. Not now. Not ever.

Pursing your lips at the sight of your blushing sister, when Sasuke flashed her a crooked smile, your right leg quickly swung under the table towards Dana, wanting to end this discreet flirtation— but Sasuke ends up jolting in his seat instead, almost spitting out his food.

"What was that for?!" he hissed under his breath, holding onto the injured leg with one hand. You snorted, covering your giggly lips with the back of your hand. Whoops.

"Not the one I aimed for, but it works," you hummed happily and continued eating when Itachi suddenly pulls you closer at his side as Mikoto began announcing the time to express gratitude. Each person (starting with your dad) featured the safe return of you and Itachi as the favorite on what to be thankful for, besides the usual.

When it was your turn to speak, Itachi surprises you with the liberty on taking your turn; a soft look in his eyes as he started out sharing his gratitude towards life, family, friends... then he saves you for last, coloring your cheeks in flattery.

"...she says I make her happy, but the truth is..." He paused to kiss your cheek, making you flinch. "I blame [Name] for my happiness. Earning her love is a privilege and I'm profoundly grateful to marry her."

Your eyes widened, brows scrunched together and remained frozen when he leaned in to peck your lips. His words kept echoing in your head and bit your tongue after he pulled back.

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