♥20♡ TADA~!

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"Whoah there, [Name]." Avery held up her hands in surrender, shielding her face and lifting her shoulders in submission. But you... You were staring red.

"Who let you in?"

"I snuck in the house, but-

"You got some nerve," you chuckled but it wasn't out of humor. It was to control the raging hormones that were currently pushing all the annoying buttons. Avery realizes the tension, thus runs a hand through her morning hair.

"[Name], put your weapons down for once."

"Me--I, put my..." You sneered, slowly lifting an offended brow. After all that's happened, Avery had the nerve to show up unannounced and uninvited?

With a defiant click of your tongue, you crossed your arms and shift weight on one leg. Now would be a perfect moment to reel in Godfather references. {You come into my house on the day [I am] to be married, and you, uh, ask me to [put my weapons down?!].}

"Avery, if you so dare ruin my day..."

"Chill the fuck down-

"No! This is so like you!" you retort, setting the frame down on the table next to you. "But Itachi isn't here to hold me back."

"Dammit [Name]," Avery grit her teeth. "Could you just...!"

"My sister will be able to fix me up quick after I kick your ass out of here. So if you even try something-

"JUST LISTEN!" Avery cracked, shocking you in silence.

Curious, you allowed your guard to lower as you watched Avery breathe in deeply to calm her reaction, before she exhaled out her frustration.

"I didn't come here to argue, fight, or anything related to bringing out the bridezilla in you," she stated, rather sincere; her eyes glanced around with every word.

"Oh? I'm surprised your sense of humor is still intact," you sneered, brushing back a curl that fell loose before placing your hands at your hips. "How did you even know of my wedding day?"

"I didn't," Avery replied bluntly, "but today isn't just your wedding day. It's also my parent's 35th anniversary, which I never miss. And while I visited them, I was told you'd be getting married today; that's how I know. Since they have no idea of what's happened between us, I was asked to represent their absence and send their apologies, for they had to travel. Of course, I could've just used the method of 'don't and say I did', but I decided to show up out of my own will. To answer your question, [Name]: I'm not here to cause trouble but..."

The irritated look on her face softened as she sighed once again, while you say nothing, gladly allowing Avery to continue.

"I...want to apologize. For everything."

You lips parted and smiled, although taken aback by her words. "Huh, how do those words taste coming out of your mouth?"

Avery blinked at you, unappreciative of your smugness. "Like vinegar."

"I bet," you laughed out and glanced to the clock. But Avery gets the hint and turned around, kneels towards her bag and pulled a medium-sized box from her bag.

"I understand you have a schedule so I'll make this quick," she begins as she faced you again, humbly keeping her distance. "Long ago when I made that deal with Itachi, I honestly regretted it. But, looking back, my pride allowed everything to pile up into shit, and I fed off his misery before feeding off yours. The car wreck you left on my driveway cost me a pretty penny, [Name], and instead of calling the cops on you I spent hours sitting out there, just staring at it; I then realized that I deserved such scandal after what I did to you. What you said to me that morning impacted me greatly that I drowned in remorse at how our friendship escalated up to this point." She gasps quietly, taking one step forward. "I'm talking too much. Long story short, I just want you to know that I am deeply sorry. Anyway, here--" She held out the box. "I wouldn't feel right leaving without giving you a gift."

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