Part 2

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I hear my phone buzz and check the caller ID, it was Jackson.
"The hell do you want" I say dryly
"Can I come over?"
"Well I figured you kinda owe me one since you got us in trouble..."
"Technically it was you..."
"Can I just come over?"
"Great, see you later then"
He hung up and I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. "He's such an idiot" I think to myself.
About an hour later I hear the doorbell ring. I opened it and assumed it was Jackson. I was right.
"Piss off" I told him before shutting the door in his face. He suddenly put his hand in the door way and demanded to come in. Eventually I let him. "Woah your place is huge!" He said while admiring the place. I let out a huge sigh "are you not the least bit bothered about being suspended?" I ask
"Well not really cause it's all your fault, if anything your the one who should be bothered."
"Get out"
"I don't think so"
Suddenly I took my hand and glided it across his face as a warning. "Get out now, and don't come back until your ready to apologise" I screamed. Jackson just stood there frozen. I shoved him out the door and slammed it in his face. You stormed up stairs and shut your room door and started screaming into your pillow. You hear your phone ring and see an unknown caller is calling your phone
"Hey I'm coming back for work, I'm staying over at your place for a while. I'll be there tomorrow afternoon."
"I'm sorry, who is this?"
"Seriously? It's your mother so you better get everything ready for me when I get there."
"I'm sorry but you can't stay here"
"And why not? Last time I checked you were still my daughter"
"Yeah? Well, your facts are outdated"
"Jeez, your so difficult. It's just for 3 days so whether you like it or not I'm coming over"
She then hung up the phone and left me sitting there and thick, cold tears streamed down my face. My breathing became heaving and my body started to shake. At that moment I let out all the anger I've been bottling up for 2 whole years. I screamed into my pillow and started kicking things around.. After a good hour or two I finally stop stressing out and went out for a walk to calm myself down.

I was feeling hungry so I went to this cafe I liked. I ordered come coffee and something to eat. A few minutes later, Jackson walked in. I tried to hide my face but it didn't work. He saw me and walked over. He hit my head and sat down in front of me. I could tell that he knew that I was crying.
"Are you seriously crying over being suspended? He said with a chuckle. I look up and stare at him. I could tell he was feeling uncomfortable.
"Then why were you crying"
"Personal shit that that you don't need to know about"

I finished my food and left. Just to my luck it started to rain. At that moment I decided to take a long awaited trip to my fathers grave.
"Sup" I started "damn it's really been a while. How's death treating ya? Life's been treating me like crap...I just got suspended and mum suddenly decides to show up for 'work'. I hate school so much, I wanna drop out." Tears start running down my face like a waterfall. I spin my heel around and walk away back to my house. I went to my room and fell asleep and started to dream about a better life.

I hate you, I love you [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon