Part 3

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I wake up and check the time on my phone. It reads '11:45am'. "Damn it...she's gonna be a here soon" I say to myself.
I get dressed and make myself something to eat before the doorbell rings.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. I open the door letting out a large sigh. I stood face to face with the woman I've hated the most for the past two years. how did she even have the guts to call me and demand that she stay here? couldn't she and her boyfriend stay somewhere else, far away from me?

I glared at her in disgust. "well don't just stand there! let me in!" she demanded. I stepped aside and let her in, behind her was the man she abandoned me for.

"Ah, mina!" he said enthusiastically. "its been such a long time! how are you?"
"just get in" I said in annoyance. I had made it unnecessarily obvious that I had no interest in speaking to someone like him. He walked in the house with a smile, positive energy radiating off of him. "This is who my mum left me for?" I commented to myself.
I showed them to their room and they left to settle in.
The next morning I race downstairs hoping that my mum wasn't there. I was wrong...
"Mina, why aren't you at school?" She questioned
"I can't go to school" I sighed
"Why not?" She demanded
"None of your business" I hissed
"I think it is. In case you've forgotten, I'm your mother!" She snapped
"If your supposed to be my mother, how come you weren't there for me these past two years? How come I've been alone all this time? If your really my mother you should've been here with me when I needed you the most, but instead you've been with your god damn boyfriend! Your not my mother and you never will be!" I screamed. To be honest, it felt good to finally get this weight lifted off of my chest. I've finally gotten to say everything I've wanted to say to her. I didn't feel a shred of regret. Mum on the other hand was shook, her eyes widened. She suddenly lifted her arm to slap me. Pfft I'd seen that coming from a mile away. I lifted my hand and grabbed hers, twisting it as I threw it towards the table. She looked extremely pissed off at me.
"Get out" I demanded. She stood the frozen, clutching onto her wrist.
"I said get out!" I asserted. She immediately straightened her posture and headed upstairs to wake her sleeping boyfriend up. Less than an hour later I see them both walking down the stairs glaring at me. I give them a stare back and watch them slowly exit the house.
"Don't expect me to come and see you every again after this!" Mum said as she turned walked into her car and drove off.

I hate you, I love you [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum