One - Stan

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Kyle's POV

I sighed, sat in class, watching clouds elegantly glide past the window. Why did I bother coming in today?
Everyday is meaningless, well that's what happens when we get older I suppose.
The only interesting thing going on in life at the moment is the fact that, at the end of our first semester, something happened to Stan and now, well he hasn't been back since. He isn't allowed back to school until next year.
But that doesn't mean interesting things haven't been happening since we were kids. We're still foggy on the details but, before we started highschool, Kenny moved away without telling us why. We don't get to see him often.
That dumbass, Cartman changed, whereas he was a stupid little fat bastard back in fourth grade, he's still fat but he's slightly slimmer, he blames his mom, saying that it's because she's trying to get him to eat healthier. But I think it's because he's trying to change for Heidi, whether he knows it himself or not.
He isn't as rude and racist as he used to be, now, the only time he's incredibly horrible is when someone seriously pisses him off, which you'd think is just like when we were kids but, it really isn't…
Me? I dated Heidi for a while, but as sweet and kind as she was, it would never have worked out. She was still hung up over, no, in love with Cartman but she won't tell him how she feels and Cartman is an idiot who doesn't really catch on quick. They're both in the same classes for the most part and Heidi sometimes talks to him, she told me he's gotten more cooperative over the years, especially since he's finally understood that nobody really likes him a whole lot.
I also dated Bebe for a short while but neither of us were right for each other. She ended things with me pretty quick, she said it was more to do with the fact that I was only ever worried about Stan.
Stan is in the hospital at the moment, I don't know when he's being discharged but I hope it's soon, I really miss him.

“Hey! Jewboy!” I heard Cartman yell from the door.
Luckily I was the only one sat in the classroom, everyone else was finished for the day.
“Why're you still here, idiot?”
“I enjoy watching you suffer.” he bluntly commented.
I picked up my bag, swinging it over my shoulder. “Whatever dude, let's go…” I walked straight past him, towards the stairs.
I was an honour student so my class was on the top floor.
“c'mon…” I headed down the staircase, Cartman followings behind. We reached the doors to the front of the school and we could hear a small commotion.

Just outside the school was Craig, Jimmy, Butters, Clyde and… “Ky!” Stan yelled with a grin, having his head locked in Craig's arms. He was soon released and came over to hug me tightly. “Dude! I missed you!”
“I… missed you too…” I muttered, bringing my arms up, to awkwardly return the hug.
Craig and the others soon left, Cartman stood there furrowing his brows and soon scoffed, before walking over, limbless like, his tongue sticking out and pointing his fingers toward his own head as if he might shoot. “He's been super depressed without you around, I thought he might actually kill himself, it was like walking amongst the Holocaust!”
“Shut up fatty!” I yelled like a little kid as I pulled back from Stan to turn and yell at Cartman.
Stan just chuckled nervously, itching a scratch on his cheek.
“Kyle, can I talk to you about something…?” Stan asked looking a little nervous. I nodded and we soon parted ways with Cartman…


Stan's POV

I sighed softly as I walked along towards the lake with Kyle. I wanted to say something but my mind was almost empty.
“Hey, so…” I mumbled, kicking a rock into the water. “Firstly, How's eleventh grade?” I asked looking up at Kyle.
“It really has been borring…” Kyle spoke softly, avoiding eye contact, folding his arms. “Everything seems colourless and without meaningless, ya know?”
I nodded, sliding my hands into my pockets.
“Hey Ky, I guess I owe you an explanation…” I finally spat my words out, giving myself a breather.
“The truth is, I nearly killed myself…” I admitted, leaning against a tree.
“I'd drunk a lot. The beginning of the year just wasn't going too well and threw my self out the window. The school found out and things got complicated…”

“Shit dude…” Kyle replied, quivering. I coul tell he didn't really mean to say something like that, he looked worried.
“Yeah…” I muttered “There's going to be a parent teacher meeting later on in the week. I don't think I'll be going back to school until next year…”

“That really sucks…” Kyle whined, looking like he might cry.
“Kyle, I'm really sorry…” I whispered, soon adding “I've got to go for now”

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