Eleven -

350 7 5

Kyle's POV

I wake up, yawning gently. I couldn't really remember what happened last night, I spent the night at Stan's, he had a party… everyone went home and we went to his room, we kissed a bit and…
Beside me was Stan, he looked so peaceful in his sleep… However, neither of us were wearing our clothes. I quickly get back under the covers, looking away, my cheeks practically burning. I suddenly felt his arm slither around me.
“Morning princess…” Stan scootched himself closer.
I sat up, rubbing my eye. “Stan… What happened last night?” I mutter yawning.
Stan wrapped a finger through my ginger curls, kissing my cheek. “We had a serious make-out sesh’ after everyone left”
“Oh…” Was all I could think to say. “Hey, can we go see a movie today?” I then ask.
“Sure mamma, where’d you wanna go?” Stan smirked, I just looked away, snorting.
“Idiot… To the movie theatre, I guess…”
“Sure, I'll call Ken–”
“No!” I interrupted. “No… just the two of us…”
“Uh, sure” Stan replied.
We soon got up and got dressed then had breakfast. We didn't really talk much. Soon we played on the PlayStation for a little while, we'd decided to go to the movie theatre later on, in the afternoon.

They were showing a re-run of the Terrance and Phillip Asses on fire movie. We decided to see that since we hadn't seen it in a very long time.
We soon put on our coats and hats then left. We arrived unbeatably early- we were actually the only people that bothered turning up which meant we had the whole theatre room to ourselves.

Before going in, we decided to get some popcorn. Stan waited over in the corner.
“A large popcorn please” I speak, pulling money out of my pocket and placing it down onto the counter. The guy takes my money and hands me the popcorn.
“Thank you…”

“Hey, you really are cute~” I heard a girl giggling in the background.
“No, stop that… I'm here with someone~” I hear Stan,’s voice.
There was a girl clinging to Stan’s arm. He was trying to gently shake her off and get rid of her but he looked as though he was partly enjoying the attention.
I hurried on over, shoving the popcorn into his chest gently and landing a kiss on his cheek, confidently humming “Let’s go hunny, the film's about to start~”
The girl soon backed off, looking kind of embarrassed and disappointed.

We entered the dark room with our snacks. Every chair was empty. We went and sat down. The film started and nobody else bothered coming in.

I could feel Stan reaching for my hand…


Stan’s POV

I reached for Kyle's hand, it felt like it was burning. “…Kyle?”
“Yeah?” Kyle looked up at me.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine…” he looked away embarrassed.
I thought to myself for a moment then leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, sliding my arm around his shoulders as the film started.

When the film was over, the light from the sun blinded us as we stepped out.
“Dude, you wanna go get coffee?” I asked, I didn't really feel like parting ways just yet, since he'd be going straight home instead of coming back to mine.
“Sure…” Kyle kicked at his feet, shoving his hands into his pockets.

We got to the coffee shop and entered. Those goth kids were there, like always, though other than that, there wasn't many people there, it really was quiet today.
We sat at the back and ordered two coffees and two slices of cake.

“Kyle, do you know when you're coming back to school?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.
Kyle shook his head and sighed. “I don't know, it could be a couple weeks or maybe even straight away… I just want to be able to see you every day…” Kyle rested his head between his hands against the table.
“Me too…” I mutter, poking my fork into my slice of cake. Mine was chocolate, his was lemon drizzle.
“Hey, you wanna try some of mine?” I ask picking up a bit of cake with a slight grin.
“Uhm, sure” Kyle looks up with a slight smile.
“Come and get it~” I say, waving the fork around just a little.
“Here?” Kyle asks, turning bright red.
“Yes!” I chuckled. “No one else here is gonna care.”
“Fine…” Kyle grumbled, cassually leaning over to take a bite then leaning back and looking away.
“You’re so cute when you're embarrassed!” I chuckled more.
He just looked even more embarrassed. After cake and coffee, we headed home, I walked Kyle back to his house, we stopped outside his house to say our goodbyes.

“See you later~” I grin, pulling Kyle into a hug before leaving.
“Right, I'll text you!” Kyle called from the door as I walked away.

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