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Kyle's POV

I sighed, walking home. Kill himself… Stan actually tried to kill himself?! Why?!

I bet it had something to do with Wendy at the very least, she was his girlfriend and they'd been on and off since fourth grade.
Kenny was becoming a womanizer and even he was fed up and tired of the never ending shit.
I sighed softly, finally making it to the door.
“Ma' I'm home…” I quietly stated, pushing the door shut behind me.
“Kyle!” I heard my mum call from the kitchen. “Your just in time for dinner, could you get your dad? He's in his study!”
“Sure!” I called back, quickly hurrying myself to Dad's office before returning with him. We all sat down and had dinner together.
“So, Kyle, how'd school go today?” Mom asked with a cheerful grin.
“W-well…” I stutter, trying to at least sound happy, the likely hood is they already knew about Stan, what with all our parents being so close but it'd likely trouble them to know that I know. I love them but they worry too much, though I don't blame mom for worrying too much, dad is a bit of a nut case.
“As usual, school was nothing special but I finally got to see Stan again. He waited outside of school for me…”
We were surrounded by an awkward, my parents exchanging looks. I knew it.
“That's good bubbah, do you know when he's hoping to return to school?” mum soon asked. I shook my head. “I don't know, but since he's out of hospital I'm hoping to go see him sometime in the week.”
“You boys should go to the carnival this weekend, I'm sure if you ask Kenny, he'd gladly come hang out with you boys.” my dad mindlessly commented, before taking a mouth full of food.
‘Gerald. The carnival could be dangerous’ mom clearly mimicked to my dad, it was so obvious.
“Guess I'll ask him” I smiled weakly. I stood up, I'd finished eating. “Dinner was great, thanks ma'.” I said before leaving, heading upstairs to my room.

I picked up my phone off my bed. I hadn't used it in a while, there wasn't really any point.

But it looked like there was an opportunity open, an opportunity to start up our old group chat.


Stan's POV

I sighed, laying back on my bed, arms spread out as I stared at my ceiling.
Fuck. I didn't get to tell Kyle everything, I wonder how he feels. Especially since he tried to visit me at least every other day when I wasn't in hospital, while I was unconscious, I didn't get the opportunity to thank him.

“He's my best friend…” I mutter to myself, rolling my flushed cheeks on to my arm, now laying on my side. I soon heard my phone ping, well… fart. I couldn't help but still be fond of that program we watched as kids.

I picked up my phone, the bright glow from the screen nearly blinding me.
‘New message from group chat’ my phone read. I clicked on the notification link, soon taking me to the group chat.

Kylee B: Hey guys. Firstly. Stan how the hell do I change my name back?

Me: ;P don't worry dude, I'll change it later

Kylee B: Great.

Kylee B: Who's up for the festival this weekend? I know it's childish but it could be fun!

Piggy: No way. I've got plans!

The KennStar: Sorry guys, I'm really missing you but I can't. I can come see you guys next Thursday though.

Kylee B: Stan?

You changed Kyle Broflovski's nickname to Kite Boi.

Me: Sure. Sounds fun!

Kite Boi: Seriously -_- Great!

Piggy: pff– fags.

I soon turned my phone off and say up hearing commotion coming from down stairs, I guess Shelly was home for a visit. She was a lot nicer than she used to be.

“Hey, mom!” I yelled coming downstate, yawning
“What is it Stan?” she called from the kitchen. I wondered in sighing. “Kyle kinda invited me to the carnival on the weekend… Is that okay?”
“Oh, sure, just don't be gone too long, okay?”
“I know…” I rolled my eyes, looking away sadly. Mom brought me into a hug. “Oh, Stanley, I don't know what I'd do if I nearly lost you again…”
I returned her hug, I kinda expected this response out of her, she's been worrying a lot lately and it's my own damn fault. I just wish I could remember everything…
“Mum, can I go out for a bit, I know I haven't been back very long but I still haven't spoken to Wendy…”
Mom tutted in response but soon nodded. “Alright…”
“Thanks…” I soon grabbed my coat and put on my shoes then left.

As I got to Wendy's front door, I became more and more sure that this was a bad idea. Finally I rung the bell and found myself removing my hat and holding it behind my back.
“Stan?” Wendy looked up at me, I couldn't tell wether she was shocked or happy. Seeing her, I smiled softly. Damn, why was she so pretty?
“Wendy I–” she cut me off and with a deep sigh, soon asked “Stan, I'm a little busy, can this wait a day or two?”
No, it couldn't. That's what I wanted to say. “Yeah… I scratched the back of my neck with a sigh. “I guess it can wait…”
“Great!” she almost raised her voice in excitement as she shut the door.
I pouted, shoving my hands into my pockets. Would it really have made much of a difference if I'd said it couldn't wait?

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