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So, basically this story is gonna be longer than I'd originally planned.
Anyway, I'm thinking of writing a Craig x Tweek fanfic, maybe. I really want to but, I have too many fanfics that aren't finished already xD


Kyle’s POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing, I had a bunch of messages from Stand and an unknown number.

My messages from Stan read:

Stan:  Hey dude
Stan:  Dude…?
Stan: Why no response?
Stan: Honeyyyyy •3•
Stan: Last message, you ready for  Starks pond tomorrow?
Stan: Today* Didn't realize it was 2am lol

I just shrugged, responding with “Yeah” before getting to the next bunch of messages.

Unknown sender: Today was so fun XD I'm glad I was sat next to you
Unknown sender: I'm glad you're my first friend!
Unknown sender: So what're you doing tomorrow?
Unknown sender: Oh right- it's me, David!

“I’m going to the Starks pond with Stan” I type, chuckling to myself before setting David as a contact.
I went to brush my teeth and get ready. I soon had breakfast and then called Stan.

I then called Stan to see if he was awake yet.
“Hey Ky-” Stan yawned over the phone.
“Hey~” I smiled, sitting down on my bed.
“So will you be ready in half an hour? I know it's only half right but–”
“Yeah-” Stan yelled.
“Great, I'll come round yours in half an hour then” I soon hang up. I just watch TV to pass the time then I soon leave.

I knock on Stan’s door and he looks half asleep.
“You fell back asleep didn't y–”
“NO” he interupted.
We soon just left for Starks pond.
“Why are we here again?” I ask, sitting down on the bench.

tan just shrugged. “First place that came to mind”
“Oh, okay” I say with a smile, leaning over the back of the bench to face him.
“Hey so, who was that guy you hung out with after school yesterday?”
“A new friends- David, he started yesterday” I explained
“Starting school on a Friday? Man that's rough…”
“Yeah…” I muttered. “What did you and Wendy do?” I then ask, narrowing my eyes.
“Nothing really…” Stan walked round to sit beside me. “We played video games for a little while then Wendy went home and I went to bed–”
Something about what he said was so obviously a lie, but what was it…?

“Uhuh… Is that so?” I asked in disbelief.
“Okay…” Stan nervously scratched his cheek as he continued on to say “I played video games and Wendy just sat there scrolling through her phone.

He’s still lying, I'll just shake it off, for now…

I turned to face Stan with an almost forced smile, kissing him on the cheek.
“So, what’d you two get up to?” Stan then asked.
“Well, We swam in his pool, watched a horror movie and had pizza” I replied.
“Oh, did you go all the way home to get swimming trunks?”
I looked blank, my cheeks tinged a light pink. “…No”
“Oh so ya swam nude? Stan asked with a hum.
“No way! I borrowed a pair of shorts!” I yelled, turning even redder.
“I’m kidding~!” Stan joked.

“Mind if I use you as a pillow for a little bit?” Stan soon asked.
“Sure go ahead…”
“Thanks, if you keep talking, I'll keep listening” he promised, laying his head down against my lap. I thought he just meant my shoulder or something like that- I had a little moment of internal screaming and silent panicking but soon settled down, resting my arm over him.
“Stan, you and Wendy aren't going to get back together, are you…?”
“No way…” Stan hummed.
“And you do love me, don't you?”
“Of course, I love you.”
“So why aren't we officially a couple now…?”
There was no response out of Stan after that, he must've fallen asleep.…
It couldn't hurt to close my eyes for just a little while, right?
I relaxed into the bench, shutting my eyes.

“Kyle, this is stupid… I'm going back to Wendy” Stan stated.
“What? Why?” I asked looking up at him nervously.
We were at my house playing games.
“Well for one- this is gay!” he stood up heading towards the door.
“Well yeah!” I yell. “I am gay and so were you last time I checked!”
“No, sorry but I was just playing along, I like Wendy” he opened the door door and Wendy was there.
“Sorry Kyle, Stan needs to be with a girl, not a boy” she rolled her eyes.
“No hard feelings, right bud?” Stan laughed.
I felt sick. What the fuck was going on?
“Wait Stan I–” the front door slammed shut and Stan was gone.

I walked into the kitchen where Mom and Ike were, I sat down at the table, leaning my head against the table.
“Seriously? Are you crying about being again?”
“WHAT- WHAT- WHAT?!” mom yelled.
She shouldn't have found out…
“Tell me it's not true!” mom yelled.
“No son of mine is going to be gay!”

“Kyle!” Stan yelled. “Kyle, wake up!”
I opened my eyes to see Stan staring down at me.
“Ky are you okay?!
“Stan, I–” I felt like I could cry.
“Dude, we should get you home…”

Stan walked me home then kissed me in the forehead, hugging me tightly.

I Want What You've Got! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now