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Stan's POV

I'm so stupid, I hate myself...
Lying to Kyle is the worst... but what am I supposed to say?!
I know I should tell him...

I just lay on my front, my arm dangling off the side of the bed, I couldn't even be bothered to turn the light off.
Shortly, there was a knock on my door and dad let himself in.
"Stan, it's eleven o'clock..." He said.
"Yeah...?" I muttered, turning to face him with a sigh.
"So, you should turn your light off and go to sleep..."
"I can't..."
"Girl troubles?" Dad asked, his face almost lighting up.
God, he probably thought it was his time to shine...
"No! Well... Look if she comes round, please tell her to leave..." I muttered.
"Why?" he asked.
I sighed. "I'm gay..."
"Oh uh" my dad looked lost for words. "Oh, wish I could relate, sorry bud..."
He whispered, soon backing out to leave.
My dad soon came back in, a grin on his face. "Hey, hey Stan- you want ten dollars?" he joked.
"No dad..." I said, looking away and sounding disappointed in him.
He just left ten dollars on my dresser and left.

I picked up my phone and switched it on, the light blinding me. I felt like talking to Kyle...

Me: Kyle, are you awake?
Kyle is typing...
Kyle: ...
Kyle: Dude, it's 11:30
Me: Is that a problem?
Kyle: Actually no, not really...
Kyle: ...Sorry about earlier
Me: What?
Kyle: At Starks pond...
Me: Oh yeah, Are you still not gonna tell me what you were dreaming about.
*Kenny has entered the chat room*
Kenny: Sup sluts! :P
Kyle: Hey Ken.
Me: What's up?
Kenny: I'm totally bored.
Kenny: Wanna hang tomorrow?
Kyle: Sorry, I'm busy.
Me: WHAT?!
Kenny: Stan you'll hang right?
Me: ...Kyle??? :O
Kyle: what?
Me: What're you doing tomorrow?
Kyle: Just hanging with a friend -_-
Kenny: Oh~
Kyle: Don't be a jerk Ken, it's not like that.
Me: I'm just gonna go to sleep

I switch my phone off, rolling onto my back, slowly falling asleep.

Which other friends is Kyle talking about? Craig maybe?

I shouldn't let this bother me...

"So Stan, who's your boyfriend?" my dad asked as soon as I sat down at the table to eat breakfast the next morning.
I looked around the room and nearly spat the small sip of water I'd taken back out.
"Well?" dad asked.
"Do WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT?" I imediately asked, my face turning red.
To be honest, I'm surprised dad didn't freak out.
"...Is it Kyle-?"
"Randy! Leave him be" Mom to the rescue-
"So Stan, are you hanging out with the guy you like, today?" Mum asked.
I just finished my breakfast and got out of there as fast as I could.


Kyle's POV

I sighed softly to myself as I walked David's house. Yup, I'm gonna hang out with him today since he didn't actually have any other friends in South Park yet.

It seemed like a nice day for once. When I got to David's, I pressed the doorbell gently and took a step back, politely waiting.
David answered straight away, with a huge smile on his face. "You actually came!"
"Y-yeah..." I giggled softly. "We talked about it last night"
"Yeah I know, but for some reason I had it in my mind that you wouldn't" David admitted, letting me in.
"I would've texted you if I weren't" I reassure him as we walked up to his bedroom.
"So are your parents around?" I ask. David shakes his head. "They went out a little while ago"
I sit on his bed with a sigh. Even his bedroom was huge!
We played on his Xbox for a while then took a break.

"Kyle, do your parents know your gay?" David asked, it seemed kind of out of the blue...
"No, I haven't told them, I think it'd cause problems, really unnecessary problem" I try to play it off with a nervous chuckle.
"Sorry for the personal questions..." David muttered.
"It's fine"
David and I played another game for a while but we were both pretty bored and just gave up.

"Wanna just go get ice cream or something?" David asked.
"Sure!" I smiled.
We then left David's house and went to the mall, since we might as well do other stuff too if we're going out to get ice cream.

David was so weird, he got an ice cream without a cone and had it with a small plastic spoon in a pot instead.

“Wanna go mess around in a clothes store?” David suggested.
“Sure!” i just go along with the plan.

We enter a store and pick out random clothes for each other. I jokingly have David a fluffy pink scarf, blue hat and heart shaped sunglasses, he gave me a cat ear hair band, funkier glasses- they were stars- and a spotty tie.
“We Should buy this stuff~” I joked.
“Ohmigosh your right, we look totally fab!” David grinned taking it all up to the counter. After paying we just started wandering around the mall, chatting cassually.
“Oh, I'm gonna go get a drink! Wait here a sec?” David asked. I nodded, sitting down on a bench.

Today's really fun! But, I partly wish Stan was here… it'd be even more fun.

I soon saw David hurrying back over, a huge smile on his face- then, just as he was a few feet away, he tripped over his own foot, falling forward and landing face to face with me; more than that, his lips were pressed up against mine.
David imediately got up, looking off to the side, embarrassed. “I’m so sorry!” he yelled, I could tell he was turning red.
“I-its fine-” I try to gather up my words, now blushing. “w-we’re friends right? It's no biggy! It was an accident!” I yelled.
Suddenly,I noticed a blue figure, about ten foot away from us, it was Craig…

“Craig!” I yell, both me and David running over to him.
“Craig, what you just saw–”
“Yeah?” Craig looked up, he totally didn't care for anything I had to say.
“Please don't tell anyone!”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because it was an accident, its not something people need to know” I tried to explain.
“Okay…” Craig said, I sighed with relief but soon realized he had more to say and wasn't done talking yet. “… But I already sent a picture out to someone”
“WHO?!” I groaned.
“Kenny” he replied.
“But WHY?!” I yelled.
Craig shrugged then placed his hands in his pockets, walking away from us.

Great, now Kenny knows… but I somehow feel like that could be a lot worse than Stan knowing…

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