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Kyle's POV

I spent the night before the party with David and went home early the next morning to get ready. The party was going to take place in the evening, though we didn't have school on the day.
We were advised to dress formally for the party as they may have invited another school from out of town and they wanted to look smart. They did agree to serve some alcohol though as long as we drink responsibly and don't tell our parents, which was honestly laughable.

David told me he'd meet me there as he had something to do just before

I was almost certain I'd have to face Stan with Wendy and I hated the idea of it, especially after the past few days.

When I arrived, the first person I spotted, was indeed Stan. My cheeks heated up pretty quickly.
His hair was neatly brushed back with no hat, he was in a suit and holding a rose. I slowly and hesitantly walked over to him. This was probably a terrible idea and I was already regretting it, but I had to know!
“A-Are you waiting for Wendy?” I ask,  a groan passing my lips as I roll my eyes.
“Yeah, since I have no one else…” he admitted straight away. “But I don't think she'll turn up, we didn't specifically agree to anything…” he then added with a sigh.
“Oh, I see…” I barely spoke aloud, grinning a little. “Hopeless idiot
“I’m not hopeless!” he whined.
“Ah, but you or an idiot” I chuckled a little. I just didn't want there to be any awkward silence between us.
Not that this was worse or anything, no way- this was Fucking great.

“Maybe…” Stan whispers. He then looks up at me and off to the side a little. “Are you here with David?” he asked.
“He’ll be here shortly” I say, soon looking away again.
“Dude, you're in a suit” Stan chuckled.
“So?” I look up at him, confused.
“Why are you wearing your hat?” he grinned, going to grab it off my head- but I'm quick to pull it straight back down.
“I feel more comfortable in it…”

We sit outside for a good fifteen minutes before I text David, telling him to call me when he's on his way. I stand up and sigh. “I don't think our dates are coming…” I stretch out my arms and walk towards the doors. “C’mon…”
Stan follows me in. We both go and get something to drink and find a quiet hallway to stand in. Actually, we sat. We sat against the wall, sighing to ourselves. “You know, I really am sorry about the other day…” Stan quietly says.
“I know…” I whisper. “And you really don't need to be sorry, I over reacted. The only thing you should be sorry for is your terrible singing!” I chuckle a little.
“Hey!” Stan whined, punching me in the arm. “Just because it's true, doesn't mean you get to mock me for it!” he was chuckling a little, himself.
“Yes I do!” I grin. “I can mock you all I like~”
Stan glared at me, struggling to keep a straight face without cracking up.
“Dude, I missed talking to you like we're actually friends, sooo much!” Stan yelled, leaning against my shoulder.
“We are actually friends…” I mutter.
“Barely, nowadays atleast” Stan says.
He was right…
“I… I missed this too…”

“Any text yet?” Stan soon asked.
I shake my head. “It’s not that big a deal though… I’m sure he's on his way and just hasn't seen my text…” I Said, trying to reassure myself if anything.
“Wish I could say the same about Wendy…” Stan's words wandered as he awkwardly laughed.

You wouldn't have to worry about your date if you hadn't dumped me…” I say aloud without thinking first. I quickly cover my mouth, sinking down against the wall.
There was a moment of us just surrounded with silence.
“…You’re right” This time it was Stan breaking the silence. “I really shouldn't have ended things the way I did. I really regret it…”
Before realising I was still sliding against the wall… SMACK- I hit my head against the floor.
Stan imediately pulled me up and I rubbed my head.
“Th-that hurt…geez…” I stutter, staring up at the ceiling then at him.
“You okay?” Stan asked.
“I think so…” I nod, soon standing up. “I’m gonna go and get something to drink, I'll be right back” I sigh, walking back, towards the cafeteria. It was actually pretty quiet now. I was about to walk in but then I heard someone say something which stopped me.

“So, did you send him the text?” it was Kenny…
“Nearly finished. It's for the best, right?” …And David too.
“Yeah- and you're sure you don't mind…?” Kenny then asked.
David chuckled softly. “Not at all, I love Kyle and I just want him to be happy…” he sighed softly. I felt a silent vibrate in my pocket.
“I think this is the best thing to do…” David then added.
“Right…” Kenny replied. “But, what’re you gonna do now?” he asked.
“I honestly don't know. Besides, I'll still see Kyle, we're in the same class. We can still talk and stuff, I hope… And maybe… maybe I find someone else I like, eventually…”

They're conversation continued on a little longer but I couldn't wait any longer to pull out my phone and read through the text.

‘Kyle, first off- I love you. I love you so much, you were the first person I ever loved and my first ever friend, but I don't want to get into that. I don't know how well you'll be able to take this but, I think we should break up. Believe it or not, I've been thinking about it since last night. You're in love with Stan, not me. Maybe you like me as more than just friends right now but I think we all know you love Stan. I think with me, you'd soon get bored and think about Stan more, even if we are having fun. I want you to be happy, happy because you genuinely feel that way and not just hiding behind a fake smile. You should talk to Stan more, Kenny says you used to be closer and I feel like I'm just getting in the way. Believe me, this is for the best because you love Stan.’

I sniffled a little, rubbing my eye with my sleeve.
David was right…

I gently and silently slapped my cheeks before walking in to get a glass of water. I looked around to see both Kenny and David leaning against the wall in silence. I walk over to them, holding my cup with both hands around it.
“H-hey…” I stutter, looking into my water.
“Hey Kyle…” David whispered with a sigh. Kenny, looking away.
“Did you get my text?” he asks. I nod, closing my eyes for a second.
“I’m sorry…” I felt the need to hum.
“No, don't be!” David raised his voice just a little but soon returned to a whisper. “This is all on me, I'll only confuse things for you if we're together…”
I sigh a little. “Still, I'm really sorry…” I mutter. “And of course. I'd love nothing more than to continue being your friend…”

I was trying really hard not to cry as I stood there for a second longer.
“Thank you…” I whispered as I walked on, hurrying back to Stan, hoping I wouldn't cry.

Unfortunately, I did. As I reached Stan, the tears flooded out my eyes, they wouldn't stop as I quivered and shook. Stan quickly rushed over to hug me tightly, calming me down even if it was just a little.
“What happened…?” he asked, hushing me until my crying stopped. “I thought you went to get a drink?” he asked. I nod, pulling away so I can face him. “I did, but also, David broke up with me…”
“It’ll be okay…” Stan whispered into my ear, continuing to hug me.
“I know but…” my eyes were a little sore and cheeks stained red. Soon, Stan kissed me. “I love you…” he whispered, pulling away from the kiss.
“I love you too…” I whisper back, more tears making their way past my eyes, I gladly let these ones through.
“Say it again…” I mutter under my breath.
“Kyle, I love you…” Stan smiles in disbelief. “Are you gonna make me say it all the time?” he asked with a gentle chuckle.
“Yes…” I quietly replied. “So, get used to it…” I then add.

“One more thing…” I spoke up as we were leaving the school party.
“mmh?” Stan looked back at me, a grin tugging at his cheeks and pink spreading across his face.
I inched closer, entwining our fingers together. “Will you officially be my boyfriend now?”
“Of course” Stan hugs me close, stealing a kiss. “I love you”


This was the very last chapter~

Well, I might do a bonus chapter or something at some point but I'm still unsure. I'm thinking about changing the title to something like ‘Stylish complications’
Well anyway, I didn't even know what I was going for with that other title, I just couldn't think of anything good.

Also, I have an idea for another Style fanfic, slowly circulating and forming in my head. I don't know how quickly I'll get it written down and our there though and it won't be related to this one.

Thanks a lot for sticking to the end, I mean it a lot.


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