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Kyle’s POV

After crying it out and talking to David, he told me that he liked me and we kissed. I needed to work my issues out but I told David I'd give things a go with him. But I feel bad, I'm not over Stan.

We were told that our classes were altered so that we'd be with our groups.

“So what're we gonna do?” Kenny asked, leaning against Stan in an annoying way.
“Make cakes?” I suggested.
“You want to make cakes?” Stan stared at me blankly.
“It was just an idea…” I looked away, embarrassed.
“I have a suggestion…” David muttered. “It might be expensive but we could all make cakes during school and sell them around school, I think it'd be a lot of fun. But to make loads, we all have to make separate batches, which is why it'd get expensive”

“Kiss ass” Kenny jokingly coughed with a grin. “A good idea though, Stan?”
“Sure…” he just sighed, sounding completely uninterested.

We imediately started straight away and got straight to work, the first few week going extremely well. Teachers and the students really liked them.

Stan wasn't in yet today but we were working really hard, except for Kenny, he just messed around, he did do some work. After a while, we took a short break.

Kenny dragged me to the side. “Hey, are you doing be okay…?” Kenny asked.
I nodded. “Yeah, why?”
“Well, Stan isn't in, I kinda figured you'd have things figured out by now…”
“What do we have to figure out?” I asked, giving him a sad look.
“Your relationshi–”
“There isn't one!” I grit my teeth.

“I’m gonna go get lunch” David states, waving to us as he walked out.
“See you in a bit!” I call out to him.

“Listen Kenny Stan said he didn't want a relationship, that much was obvious…”
Kenny shook his head. “Stan likes you he said so, didn't he?”
“Yes but… But he's the one that left me, I don't get it… doesn't he know how much I care…” I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes, my cheeks stained pink.
“Kenny, I can't talk about this…”
“I know, I'm sorry, we won't…”
“Okay…” I mouthed, rubbing my sleeve to my eyes.

I’m really weak and pathetic, I can't stop crying at the thought of Stan…

I hurried to the canteen to get lunch. David was waiting for me and could probably see that I was upset… I hugged him tightly and he kissed my forehead gently. “Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I think so…” I muttered. We hugged a little longer then got lunch.

We were quick to return back and when we did, Kenny was jumping up and down and clapping his hands, Stan was up on a table, singing Royals by Lorde.

And we'll never be Royals- it don't run in our blood- that kind of lux just ain't for us- we craze a different kind of buzz–” He sung into a wooden spoon.

Ordinarily, I'd probably find this amusing…

“What’s wrong with you?!” I yelled.
“He’s drunk, ain't it great?!” Kenny grinned.
“No, it's not! Is that where he's been? Drinking?!”
Stan grinned, jumping down. “Chill Ky~” he poked my cheeks a couple times.
“Please don't–” I groan but he continued.
“Don’t you like my singing~?” Stan teased.

“No way–” I avoided eye contact, distancing myself from him but he only continued to sing more. We all just had to get on with the cake making, ignoring him.

After all his singing, we set him down in a corner, encouraging him to stay quiet. He fell straight asleep for a while.


Stan’s POV

I woke up in the corner of the classroom, it was just Kyle, Kenny and that David kid in here. They were busy cooking.
I sat up, pushing Kenny's jacket off of me, rubbing my head gently.

How long was I out for?

I stretched my arms out and yawned.
“What happened…?” I instantly regret asking.
“How’s it going Queen Bee?” Kenny grinned, kneeling down in front of me.

“Oh god…” I whine. “What the hell did I do?”
Kenny said nothing and instead, just snickered, playing back a recording from earlier. “Why were you singing a song by Lorde?” He asked.
I shrugged. “Is it bad?”
Kenny just shrugged too. “How much did you even drink?” he asked.
“I don't know…” I sigh. “A lot clearly…” I think to myself. “Hey, can you buy me some time to talk to Kyle?”
“You too chicken of his boyfriend?” Kenny smirked.
“No! I just don't want things to be awkward”

“Kyle, c’mere!” Kenny turned around, calling him over. Kyle came over straight away.
Kenny looked at me, using his arms to look like chicken wings before walking back over to make cakes again.

“Ky, did I do anything weird to you earlier…?” I asked with a sigh.
“No?” Kyle tilted his head. “Need a glass of water or something?” he asked.
“Uh yeah actually, a small glass of water would be great…” I sigh with relief, watching him as he walks over to the sink to get me some water.
“You must've been really drunk, huh?” Kyle then asked, handing me a cup.
“Yeah…” I say, taking a small sip.
“Why were you so drunk?” he then asked.
“Actually, I don't really remember…” I sigh.

Kyle seemed a little nervous, sitting down on the floor, something seemed off.

I wonder if he's upset with me…

I Want What You've Got! (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora