Five - the Carnival

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Kyle's POV

He kissed me… Why?

I woke up, my head buried in Stan's chest, our legs intertwined. I sat up slowly and gently shook my head, processing what had happened last night.
I was tired so I don't exactly remember much but I definitely remember Stan kissing me…
I switch off the lamp beside his bed as it's already daylight and soon stare down at him.
It was kinda cute, he had his mouth open, his face stuck to the pillow like some cute.
If all it was is one kiss, I wonder why I woke up intertwined with Stan.

I soon picked up my orange jacket and green hat off the floor.
“Morning…” I heard Stan grumble softly with a yawn.
I look down at him, a slight smile rising to my face. “Morning sleepyhead…”
Stan grins.



Stan's POV

God… What did I do last night?

I sigh as I walk towards the banner that read ‘SOUtH PARC CARniVAL!’ It was like Kindergarten's designed it, which they probably did…

“Dude…” Kyle muttered. I turned my attention to him.
“What do you wanna do first?” he asked, I shrug. “Rollar coaster?” I suggest.
“Sure” Kyle replies and we hurry on over to the Rollar coaster.

In front of us stood Wendy, Bebe and Nichole and Red. It was odd for Heidi not to be there though…
“Oh no…” I squeaked slightly. Kyle raised a brow.
Before either of us said anything, the line moved and we were all piled onto the ride.
I wonder wether Wendy noticed us…

When we finally got off the ride, both Kyle and myself felt queasy. I told Kyle to sit down as I go to get something to eat and drink.
I came back holding to wrapped up burgers and two drinks of lemonade.
After we ate up, we decided to do some more. We played that classic carnival games where you have to knock the cans over with a ball.
I fail the first two throws, surprisingly.
“One more try…” I whisper to myself, picking up the ball.
“You can do this…” I hear Kyle mumble. He's right, I can…
I pull my shoulder back, eyeing my target, three cans stacked up in the shape of a pyramid. I soon lunge my arm forward, letting go of the ball. My ball goes flying, colliding into the centre of the stacked cans, forcing all three off the back of the shelf.
“Yes!” I yelled with a smile, turning to face Kyle, raising a hand in demand of a high five. Kyle chuckle, a slight pink hue coming to his face as he slapped his hand against mine.
“What prize do you want, Ky?” I ask, looking over towards the prizes. I'm not bothered with prizes so, might as well let Kyle have his pick.
“Uhh…” Kyle studies the prizes.
He points to a teddy bear with a hat like mine. Honestly, all the prizes are pretty childish and girly.
“I'll take that!” he States, pointing at the bear. I chuckle softly as the bear is handed to him.

We played some more carnival games, it was kinda fun. But it was soon time to go home. Kyle walked me home then said his goodbyes.



This chapter was kinda short… very short…
But hey, that's five chapters within the space of three days. In a way, I kinda want to make the chapters smaller but at the same time, I don't want them to be too short…

I think at some point, even though I have quite a few fanfictions already, I'll write a few more South Park fanfictions, in some way they'll all link but focus on individual ships, maybe…

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