sparkly silver jacket

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~third person pov~

the weekend came and went, tj and cyrus didn't talk to each other, but they didn't want to. all they wanted to do was hold each other and be together. there was so much standing in the way of that though. cyrus would never be able to convince his friends that tj was good for cyrus, and tj was so afraid of himself and his life that their relationship would have to stay secret.  it seemed like the whole world was against them. 

monday passed by, still no communication. neither of them had any idea what to say to the other. no one wanted to say the wrong thing, and no one wanted to make the awkwardness worse. 

cyrus sat with buffy and andi sat at the spoon after school that monday afternoon. the girls were very happy because their group seemed to be back together and happy. cyrus was not happy with the way the things were. he just wished that he could have what he wanted without hearing of the consequences from his friends.

he interrupted the current conversation with a bold question: "what's your problem with tj" they just looked at him for a second while they processed his question. 
"cyrus, you know what our problem is," andi started to say, "he was awful to buffy, and then he put you in a situation where you could have gotten seriously hurt. he is a dangerous person to be around, you should understand that we just want the best for you. we love you cyrus."

"you say that you love me, but people who love me would just want me to be happy. being with tj makes me happy, and i-"

"hold on a second," buffy butted in, "what do you mean by 'being with tj'? cyrus have you been keeping something from us?" cyrus' eyes  got wide, and a wave of nausea came across him.

"what? no i- uh, i just meant that- um..." he was flustered and growing more anxious by the second,  "he's my friend," he finally managed to say, "i think,"he added to the end, quieter.

andi piped in again, "i don't believe that. what's actually going on?"

"honestly i'm not completely sure, we were sitting in the- wait. actually i can't tell you. we have a deal where the stuff that happens in certain places can only stay in those places." cyrus wasn't sure why he was telling them this, just a few days ago they were willing to do anything to keep tj away from cyrus. what was stopping them from getting involved now?

"what? what the hell do you mean you have a deal? i thought you weren't even hanging out with tj anymore?" buffy was clueless, but she cared about cyrus and this seemed to mean quite a lot to him. 

"no, we've been hanging out all the time for the past week. i can't really reveal much more about our interactions so please don't ask me. can we get back to the question i asked? why does it even matter that i hang out with tj?"

"it matters because he is terrible. you just can't see that because he is manipulating you" andi said. cyrus was through with trying to convince them of how tj changed, it was worthless to try and change how they felt.

"you know what guys, i'm done. i'm done with just sitting back and watching you two try to control my life and who i choose to spend my time with. just stay away from me for a while please."

cyrus stood up and left the diner.  normally he would have a million emotions flooding his mind,but right now he was nothing but confident. he knew what he wanted, to talk with tj. cyrus was the first to break their streak of silence that night, he texted tj before trying to go to sleep.

sent to tj: we're going to your place tomorrow at lunch and we are going to have a conversation about everything. okay?

read: 12:36 am

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