show him to your room

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~Cyrus' pov~ 

It was Sunday and I woke up to the sounds of pots and pans clanging in the kitchen. I walked down stairs curiously, normally my Mom didn't make breakfast unless it was a very special occasion. 

"What's going on mom? Are you cooking breakfast?" I asked her.

"Oh god no, why would I do that? We're having people over for dinner tonight, so I'm getting ready." 

"Why so early?" I questioned, unsure as to why she'd start preparing dinner in the morning.

"Cy it's 2:30 in the afternoon. I'm not early, you're very late. Did you sleep at all during the night?" Now that I think about it, no. It wasn't until very early this morning that I finally fell asleep. 

"Uh... no not really. Who are we having over anyway?" 

"There's a new doctor at the practice, I invited her and her family over for dinner to try and welcome her." That's my mom for you. A textbook people pleaser, always wanting others to be happy with her. Sometimes I think she could use a therapist of her own.

"Cool. I'm gonna go get ready then." I said, leaving the kitchen and running back up the stairs to make myself look presentable.

Once again I was faced with my enemy of showering. This time as I let the water soak my hair and run down my back I didn't think of how much I hate myself, or all of the things that my mind likes to bring up whenever I'm alone. Instead, I thought about how much I love my friends. Even if they still didn't love Tj, and even if they did betray my trust, I couldn't deny that they were the ones who've gotten me through life. 

After getting out of the shower I had to choose what to wear. Why was it so important what people what you wore? It's literally just cloth draped over your body, why is the word "Gucci" so much more important than "Walmart". Literally nothing should matter. 

I was snapped out of my nihilistic mind hole when there was a knock on my door.

"Cy they'll be here at five, you've got about two hours."

"Okay mom i'll be down to help in a bit." 


At about 4:45 there was a knock at the door. I had decided on a grey button up and dark wash jeans. I had helped set the table and now they were finally here. My mom, my step dad, and I all went to the door to greet our guests. The door opened to reveal a family of a mom, the woman who worked with my parents, a dad, and a tall blonde haired teenager. I recognized him as one of Tj's friends from school.

"Hi, Rachel, welcome to our home!" my mother greeted, "This is Todd, my husband, and this is Cyrus, my son."

"Hi, thank you so much for the invite Leslie, it's very kind." I can see my mom relax as she gets the gratification of knowing this was a good idea. "This is my husband Rick and our son Reed. I think he and Cyrus are in the same class at school right?" We both nodded our heads, knowing that neither of us wanted to be in this situation.

"Well dinner is on the table, Todd can take your jackets if you'd like to follow me to the dining room."

What followed was a long, and very boring meal where our parents talked about their jobs, the weather, and other things that really didn't matter. 

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