i hope i didn't scare you

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~Cyrus' pov~

I slowly turned the handle to the door. Inside I saw a bright room with couches, music, and every pride flag you could think of hanging on the wall. Honestly, this is how I expected heaven to look. There were six people in the room. Two  on a couch, two people playing checkers, and another two sitting on the counter talking. 

One of the people sat up from the couch when they heard the door open. My brain lagged for a moment when she stood up and I had to fully process who she was.

"Amber?" I questioned the pretty blonde face in front of me.

"Cy I am so glad you got my note! I hope I didn't scare you too much. We are really happy you came!" She sad after giving me a big hug. 

"What is this?" I questioned, still confused about the whole situation.

"This is Jefferson Middle's secret LGBT club! Ms Jackson, the drama teacher, helped us set it up and get all the cool stuff down here. Okay you already know me, my pronouns are still she/her and I'm a lesbian." She gestured towards the other people in the room.

"Hey I'm Corey, he/him pronouns, and I'm gay."

"Whats up man I'm Erin, she/her pronouns and I don't really use a label."

"Hey I'm Callie, she/her. This is Max, they're non-binary, and we're both pan!" They were the two sitting on the counter. It seemed like Max was shy, but they were really adorable. I could tell that Callie and them were a couple.

That just left one person in the room to introduce them self. 

"Uh.. hey. I'm Jax, he/him, I'm gay." He quickly said, then looked back down at his checkers game he was playing with Corey. He was handsome, with messy dark brown hair and green eyes. Between Jonah and Tj, green eyes seemed to be my weakness, this guy could spell trouble.

"Hi!" I said once they were all done. 

"Can I talk to you privately?" Amber asked me, I nodded in response and followed her over to the other side of the room. Everyone else returned to what they were doing. "Are you okay? How did Tj hurt you?"

"Amber he's your brother, you should't have to hear about my issues with him."

"No. You're my friend, so I need to know exactly how to yell at him when I get home." 

"Okay, after Reed posted that picture I tried to text him and talk with him, but he basically ghosted me. Then I saw him with Kira this morning and I was really sad so I've just been trying to push it out of my head all day." It hurt to retell the events of the past couple of days.

"He's still with Kira? That dick! I saw him in the spoon with her yesterday and it seemed like he was just having an irrational reaction, but I could not tell you why he's still with her. Ugh. He's dumb, my advice is just let him figure everything out himself, there's no reason you should be deprived of a relationship just because he's scared of his friends." I smiled at Amber and she opened her arms up for a hug. 

"Thanks Ambs, you're amazing, this place is amazing!" I had finally been able to take in just how special this old classroom really was. 

"Right? It's like our safe haven from the world. Everyone here is literally the best. We all tend to run in different social circles, but at lunch we all come down here to just be ourselves. I think you'll really love it here." I could tell I'd love it too.


~Tj's pov~

Finally the end of lunch bell rang. I thought it would never happen. Kira was a nice girl and all, like a really nice girl. I tried so hard to like her, to want to be with her. As hard as I tried, it just wasn't happening. Every time she held my hand I wished it was Cyrus'. Every time she looked in my eyes, I longed to see the familiar pools of cocoa that I knew and loved.

She insisted I walk her to class. She had Algebra, the classroom was way out of my way back by the stairs that lead to the old basement. My class was at the complete opposite side of the school, so that was great.

As we approached the room she grabbed my arm and turned me towards her, I think she was looking for a kiss. In a flash of what I can only describe as 'gay panic' I tried to pull away from her. The key word in that sentence being tried. Instead I pulled my arm a bit too hard out of her grip, which caused me to stumble backwards and right into another person. Scratch that, it wasn't just some person, it was Cyrus.

This is just so great. I tried to reach for him so that I could say something, but he didn't seem to want to talk to me. 

"Don't," He said, before turning to walk away. 

"Are you friends with him?" Kira asked, "I didn't think you even knew who he was."

"I'm going to class."


I sat in seventh period, staring at the clock. I could barely see the numbers through the tears that had been pooling in my eyes. I had been doing a pretty good job of blinking them away before they fell, but every once in a while one would slip out.

The worst part was that I knew that everything I was feeling was all brought on by me, and completely my fault. There was no one to blame, to use as a scapegoat, this was one hundred percent me. 

I anxiously followed the second hand around the clock, watching as it neared the twelve and the bell would sound. When it did I got up as fast as possible to leave. 

I tried to shoot straight for the door but I was stopped by Kira who was waiting right outside the classroom.

"You know you don't have to wait for me outside of my classes, right?" I said, hoping she'd get the memo and leave.

"I want to! I like seeing you!" Her cheery voice echoed. 

"Well I have to go to work so I'll see you another time, I guess." I did not have work today. I turned to leave as fast as possible. 


~Third Person pov~

Cyrus left the school feeling happy. He had a lot of homework to do but really didn't want to go home, so he started towards the park. He felt genuinely happy for the first time in a while. Strangely he was glad that things turned out the way they did.  He now had a safe place to go with a group of amazing people who he had really enjoyed hanging out with.

He was right though, Jax was definitely trouble. They talked the most out of everyone today, and they had a ton of chemistry, no one could deny that. The advice Amber gave him rang through his head, he wanted to follow it and make himself happy.


AN: theres another skam (france) reference here, i just love that show too much. try to find it lol its a pretty direct parallel

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