think about it

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~Cyrus' pov~

The next morning I woke up in my bed next to Buffy. She stayed with me so that I wouldn't have to go to school alone. The scenarios of what could happen today were running out of control in my head. The one thing that I wanted right now was to go to the library, or the park and talk it out with him, but he still hasn't talked to me. I texted him a couple times, asking if we could hang out or even just facetime, but he never responded.

She walked me to school, never leaving my side. I tried to put on a brave face but it was easy to tell that it wasn't working.  We stepped up to the curb and began our entrance. It wasn't as bad as I expected. People were less confident without their phones to hide behind, but that didn't stop anyone from giving looks. The looks weren't all bad, some were confused, shocked, and even some sympathetic.

Andi came up to us and pulled me away from where I was walking. "Why don't we go this way now?" She said, strangely panicked. 

"Andi my locker is the other way, I have to go there," I told her, not knowing why she didn't want me walking there.

I turned around from where we were standing and immediately realized what she was shielding me from. Tj was standing there, leaning against a locker, flirting with Kira.  He stopped their conversation to turn his head and look at me. He gave me one look up and down before putting his arm around Kira and walking away. 


"I'm going to my locker," I said with nausea as I pushed through the halls. Making my way to my locker. When I got there there was a paper taped to it. That wasn't terrifying at all! I thought of all the possibilities of the terrible things that could be written on the note. I pulled it down and, against my better judgement, read it:

I am so sorry about what happened to you. No one deserves something like that happening to them. I know that if i was outed like that I'd probably do something terrible. This is seriously not fair. 

I want you to know that there are a lot of people who don't hate you. There's so many of us looking at you and relating to what happened, understanding the fear, and wishing only the best for you. 

You aren't the only one who goes through these things. I do too, I get it!

I'm writing this letter to let you know that you don't have to be alone in this fight. There is a group of people who meet in room 004 in the old basement at lunch. I really think you'll like it.

Come today if you want to meet us, you don't have to but I know there's a lot of  people who want to talk with you.

Think about it.

Oh. The circumstances of the letter seemed nice, promising almost, but once again my head went to the worst possible place. What if this was some joke or prank where I go to the room and there's a crew of people there to beat me up. 

I thought about it all throughout my classes, would I go or not? On one hand, I am frail and cannot take a beating. On the other hand, what else do I really have to lose? 

The lunch bell rang.


~Tj's pov~

I sat at the lunch table. Kira was talking to me, what she was saying was just blowing right through my head. It was like I was out of control of my own body. My head knew that I was being an ass. I knew I was hurting Cyrus, destroying him, but I didn't care for some reason. I knew I was leading Kira on and that it wasn't right, yet I still did it. Something about this situation was triggering a reflex in me that would do anything to keep my image up and save my reputation. Something was pushing me to be like this.


~Cyrus' pov~

I took the note in my hand, and stared toward the back staircase. There was adrenaline running through my veins, blood pumping as fast as it had ever. This could either be the best or worse thing I've ever done. 

As I descended the stairs, the old basement came into view. Jefferson Middle underwent a renovation a couple years back. The budget ran out right in the middle so the basement was only half completed. They put up a wall to separate the two parts, and now the only way down there was a set of stairs tucked away in a back corner of the school. There were no classes held there, but the classrooms remained. Kids didn't often go into the old basement, unless they were doing something they didn't want the school staff to know about. This made it the perfect place for a secret club, or the perfect place for a secret beat down.

I walked down the hall way, all the way to room 004. I was alone in the hall, and I couldn't hear anything from inside the class room. In a leap of faith, I grabbed the handle and turned it. 


AN: Short chapter sorry but I wanted a cliff hanger.

I have had this story written for months and just the other day I decided to publish it so thanks for enjoying it!

Quick shout outs to my friend who pushed me to share this with all of you, and to @ luke.kippen on instagram for being literally the sweetest person and sharing this on their story and reading it! 

(my insta is _straightchlorine_ and its a twenty one pilots fan acc so follow if you'd like)

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