people can change who they like

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~Third person pov~

Kira was ecstatic. Tj kippen -THE Tj Kippen- just asked her to go out to lunch! He was the cutest guy at Jefferson Middle and the guy that every girl wanted to go out with, but for some reason he wanted her! Her mind was racing and she was so nervous.

She had no clue what to wear, everything she tried on wasn't good enough. Eventually she settled on a red body con dress with a windbreaker and sneakers. She put on a bright red lipstick to complete the look. The last thing Kira wanted was to mess this up, if she messed it up then Tj would tell all his friends and she'd never talk to a guy ever again. Her phone chimed just as she was lacing up her shoes.

From Tj: im headed to the spoon rn, see ya there 

To Tj: see ya there!!!! 

Kira often worried she seemed annoying when she used that many explanation points, but she was just always excited. 

She grabbed her phone, slid it into her purse and headed out of her house to the spoon.


Tj  sat in a booth in The Spoon. His leg bounced with anxiety, he wasn't nervous for the date (If you could call it that) but he still knew there was something not right with this. 

Kira walked into The Spoon, she scanned her eyes around and saw Tj sitting at a booth near the back. 

"Hey Tj!" She said with a smile, while sitting down.

They talked for a few minutes. Just as Amber was coming over to take their order, Tj said something to make her laugh, which resulted in in Kira grabbing Tj's hand in a playful manner. Amber got very confused when Tj seemed like he wanted that.

"Hey guys," She said, suspicious, "What can I get for you."

"Just one strawberry milkshake." Tj looked up at Amber.

"Okay, you got it." Amber turned to walk away, but just couldn't let this slide by, "Hey Teej, can I talk to you about something? It's important family stuff." Tj sighed, and although he didn't want to, got up to follow Amber. 

"What do you want?" He angrily asked her.

"What's going on with you? This looks like a date. You told me you liked Cyrus." She wasn't asking questions, rather demanding answers.

"People can change who they like Amber."

"Fine. Go back to her, but I swear to god if you are hurting Cyrus in any way I'll kill you myself, not joking. He's a really nice guy and he doesn't deserve that." Tj didn't respond, just rolled his eyes and went back to Kira.


The "Cyrus Goodman Cheer Up Committee" (which is what Buffy officially named the group) had made it through the first two High School Musical movies and were now watching the third.  These movies were always Cyrus' favorite, not just because of how cute Corbin Bleu was, or the obviously gay baseball scene HSM2, but because they were nostalgic and familiar. Sitting there, surrounded by his best friends, watching and singing along to his favorite movie, Cyrus really felt at home.

Right as 'The Boys are Back' (Cyrus' favorite song) started, Andi got a phone call. It was Amber, which was surprising considering how little they talked recently.

"Hey Ambs, whats up?" She said as she exited the room, as to not interrupt the full  on dance party that had broken out. 

"Um... are you aware of how much time Tj and Cyrus have been spending together?" 

"Why would you care about them? Do you even know Tj?" Andi had never even seen Amber and Tj in the same room, so why she would be meddling in his love life was beyond Andi's knowledge.

"He's my brother," Amber replied in a confused tone, "Anyways, do you know what I'm talking about?"

"If you're referring to the fact that they are quite romantically involved then yes I do know about that." The shock of Amber being Tj's sister was still settling in.

"Okay can you tell me what happened to make them not be so involved? While I was working I saw Tj on a date with that Kira girl."

"Cy never said anything to us, but we're in the middle of trying to cheer him up. You saw the InstaPic thing right?"

"Yeah... I did." Amber had a sudden realization of why Tj was doing what he was doing, "Tell Cy that I hope it gets better for him, bye." 

As soon as Amber hung up the phone she stormed over to Tj and Kira's booth, grabbed her brother by the arm and dragged him to the back of the restaurant to scold him.

"Cyrus is really hurting right now. Something terrible happened to him and you're too scared of yourself to open up and help him. Theodore James you are an idiot." She yelled.

"Am I not allowed to like more than one person? Cyrus is cool but I like Kira more now. It's not that hard Ambs." The words coming out of Tj's mouth didn't make any sense. He had spent an uncountable number of minutes talking to cyrus, listening to him, and he had kissed him for god's sake. He and Kira had only talked once before today. Amber knew this, and was ready to do anything to get her brother to realize it too. "Oh and that's one dollar into the full name jar," Tj said as he once again returned to Kira.


Andi walked back into the living room after her phone call ended.

"What was that about?" Buffy asked her.

"Just Amber, she just had some... boy drama." That wasn't entirely a lie, it  just so happened that the boys involved in the drama were Tj and Cyrus. "Hey did you know that Tj is her brother?" She said, trying to get the topic off of her conversation.

At the mention of Tj, Cyrus saddened. He was the one person who could make this situation better, and he was also the one person who wasn't reaching out to him.

"That actually makes a lot of sense," Buffy said, "Maybe being a bully is like coded into the Kippen DNA?" 

Andi and Cyrus let out a simultaneous 'Hey!'

"They've both changed for the better. They're good people now," Andi piped up. 

His friends were now noticing the look on Cyrus' face.

"What's up Cy?" Jonah asked. 

"Tj hasn't talked to me at all," Cyrus said with a somber voice.

"Why would he? You guys aren't that good of friends right?" Cyrus was now remembering that Jonah wasn't fully aware of the situation. He decided that now would be as good a time as any. Considering how their lunch interaction went Cyrus was pretty sure their little fling was over. 

"Me and Tj... we kind of had a thing." 

"A thing?"

"Yeah, a thing."

"Well then Tj is an asshole right now, if he cares about you he'll reach out." Jonah was comforting, like always. For such a Class A dumb ass, he he really had a way with words.

The crew spent the rest of the night just spending time with one another, laughing, and having a good time.


AN: time to play a little game i like to call: Spot the skam reference. i didn't even realize i was writing it until i wrote it lol

Hope you like the story :)))

our secret places (tyrus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora